I’m not an expert on the topic and don’t claim to be. I only first learned about it by watching a youtube series by Terry Crews called “Dirty Little Secret” where he admits he had this problem and how it affected his marriage.
I’m not an expert on the topic and don’t claim to be. I only first learned about it by watching a youtube series by Terry Crews called “Dirty Little Secret” where he admits he had this problem and how it affected his marriage.
I wholeheartedly agree with you. I did not say whether it should be banned or made difficult to find - I was pointing out the evidence that is out there that it is a problem for some people.
I worked in the porn industry for almost a decade. I see no moral issues with it, but there is growing evidence that porn addiction is a problem for many.
Please look over yourbrainonporn.com.
There is plenty of evidence that some people struggle with compulsory sex disorder. Porn addiction can lead to erectile dysfunction. Many on the internet won’t admit it and will down vote any discussion of the topic for some reason.
I know you’re be facetious here and I’m ignorant to actual application security methodology. I do have to ask though, when you are looking for something in code that could be a security risk, isn’t it possible to look for methods or functions used to lookup DNS, outbound network calls, or even libraries used to obfuscate code? It seems to me that most programmers wouldn’t go through lengths to obfuscate their code and would want it to be readable/maintainable, so doing so would be a red flag.
Obviously no one is going to search for “evil spyware” when auditing code. Your point stands it is not as simple as that.
I mean a simple
grep -r “string” *
Does wonders to find anything, but you need to know what you’re looking for. I’d probably look for DNS names that end in government or China specific TLDs to start with.
They’re going to get sued into oblivion, so that’s one alternative path forward.
They could have bought the game out and lumped it into their existing games. Alternate dimension Pokémon anyone?
I disagree that leaving things unsaid is the best approach to online discussion, especially when it comes to soundbite level social media like Lemmy and Reddit. Doing this puts forth the position that only one thing needs to be said, which is underhanded and intellectually dishonest.
You’re absolutely right that both mainstream parties in the US are closely related in policy, so it is a failure of those arguing against the Israeli genocide to not call this what it is: a governmental policy problem, not a single party problem. Saying “democrat bad, support Israeli genocide” while ignoring the opposite party just because it is not in power is a failure to point out the root cause of the issue. If we don’t want to support any genocide, we need to make sure that no matter what party is in power, it doesn’t happen.
I’ll ignore the fact that you disagree with their economic policies for now and continue to focus on the fact that this is a systematic issue, not one that is beholden to one party or the other.
I’m not defending their actions. I’m pointing out that there are those that astroturf social media that -only ever point out the negatives of one major political party while completely ignoring the other-.
So since you seem to be reasonable despite your satire and snark, what do you think about the Republicans and how they would handle the ongoing genocide?
Or will you prove my point again for me?
There are certain actors on Lemmy that I’m betting will disappear after the presidential election cycle or significantly pull back their posting.
Basically fanning the flames of “democrat bad, support israel genocide” while also saying “republican not in power, can’t blame them!”. Genocide is terrible no matter who does it and we shouldn’t pretend Republicans would be any better. In all likelihood, they would be worse.
RE: RE: FWD: FWD: RE: omg Becky look at this detainment camp
I mean they indicate as such if you read the article…
I played Civilization for years. When Civ 5 came out, I was incredibly psyched. I specifically went to PAX one year just so I could get new information on the game. When I finally played it, it was the biggest disappointment of my gaming life. It just doesn’t feel like any of the previous ones. Civ 6 is way better in almost every way.
I’m wary of Civ 7 though. How can they improve upon the game without adding minigames or breaking it into insane amounts of DLC eg. Stellaris? I probably won’t pick it up until it’s on a steam sale with all its DLC at 50% off or something stupid.
My company does badge swipe checking, checks whether you connect to the corporate wifi with your laptop, and monitors you with motion sensing / heat tracking software fron the moment you walk in the door. 3 days a week mandatory
I woke up this morning and thought of this exact scenario, then found your comment lol
Yes, this is bad for anyone who travels for work and can’t trust the network they connect to.
If your LAN is already compromised with a rogue DHCP server, you’ve got bigger problems than them intercepting just VPN traffic. They can man in the middle all of your non-encrypted traffic. While this is bad, it’s not a scenario most people will run into.
If you tolerate the intolerant, it will eventually bite you. Free speech should be protected, but not tolerated.
I’d like to see what study you based your argument on, because I’ve done enough reading that what you’re saying doesn’t ring any bells. I’m an atheist and as mentioned previously worked in the porn industry for several years.