Carry a big stick
Carry a big stick
As staff engineer, I’m far too busy to read any of these comments. Also I haven’t written any code in 4 years
I can only speak from personal experience but for me they jacked up the price significantly after year one and then sent my domain straight to auction after I decided not to pay. I respect that there are reseller-focused providers out there but they aren’t for me.
On the other hand, I’ve had nothing but quality service from namecheap for the best part of a decade.
They’re self-hosting Tangled on their server. The BlueSky part only relates to the protocol used for communication between it and other nodes. Definitely a confusing title though.
Namecheap. Avoid Dynadot.
I’m using memos in a docker container.
I like it because it has few features but they all work well. It’s great for taking quick notes or writing whole journal entries.
Awesome, love the design - something new for the homelab!
Too late, I switched to Floorp.
Because of privacy stuff? No. Because of repeated drama? Yes.
I don’t have time for this stuff. I don’t have time to track every minute twist of the knife that Google’s funding drives Mozilla to embark on.
I’m bored of using software and watching it go through “death by a thousand minor dramas”
So now I use a web browser that has a name so stupid I don’t even recommend it to other people. Brilliant.
Slow down satan
I’m going to write a tool that automatically adds the braces and semicolons to the column as you edit the code.
I will call it rustfml
It’s more about scale. Small open source projects might get one PR a month. Your average tech company is dealing with dozens of PR every single day. Review fatigue is real in these environments
Which is also exactly how Signal works too; I migrated both two days ago. Process was virtually identical.
I much prefer Signal, but can’t judge WhatsApp to harshly on this tbh.
Mark Zuckerberg needs to tread carefully or he might have to spend another afternoon answering the nonsensical questions of a bunch of geriatric luddites.
fReE sPeEcH PuRiSt
The useful idiot certainly keeps himself busy doesn’t he
I mean, yeah, doesn’t everyone?
This is also slightly off. It was primarily to eliminate third party apps from the existing landscape. Reddit want money from users in one of two ways:
Due to the extortionate pricing, (2) was only ever hypothetical. In reality there was no sustainable model for this for any third party app, even as a non-profit.
The case around AI does exist, but it was smoke and mirrors for Reddit pulling the same nonsense that Twitter did once they realized they might get away with it, regardless of the short term damage it would do to their public image.
nothing purrsonal kit
Swift is a pretty fully fledged systems language at this point … however, it’s far from tried and tested for use cases like this and cross platform support is still garbage, so still a pretty questionable choice.