Acerola - I tried simulating the entire ocean
I really enjoy listening to this guy, he really explains the details about graphics in an easily accessible way.
Acerola - I tried simulating the entire ocean
I really enjoy listening to this guy, he really explains the details about graphics in an easily accessible way.
For Karl!
That’s what she sed
Portland Oregon
A traffic jam when you’re already late
Have you looked into bone conduction headphones?
Fidelity goes up (!) when you plug your ears. I use them in server rooms and on my bike (sans the earplugs).
Aftershocks is a good brand, basically anything with a titanium band.
Man, Star Control 2 was my favorite game to introduce friends to during the BBS days. Two player melee over a shared keyboard! The music in SC2 was top notch MOD/XM music back when trackers were starting to form a genre. Beeps on computers were the norm but you could hear a drum track over the internal PC speaker in this game. IMHO Tunic is the only game that came close to the wonder and awe of exploration and discovery. Absolutely a masterpiece.
Babu’s game room has my favorite YouTube review. I’ll let the bot pipe the link
“Trust in numbers” was an eye opening book I had to read for a university course.
The idea that “It’s difficult to get numbers to tell you the truth” despite how people tend to think hard data is not falsifiable - was my main take.
Wow, collapse OS is quite the rabbit hole. Makes me think of the bootstrapping work described in
Shout out to the Ti-8X users and anyone who remembers zshell.
I doubt this announcement is going to affect the calculators, but it’s amazing to see how many things still run off this technology.
A poignant quote here
"It was a disaster so bad that a new word, Waldsterben, or “forest death,” was minted to describe the result. All the same species and age, the trees were flattened in storms, ravaged by insects and disease — even the survivors were spindly and weak. Forests were now so tidy and bare they were all but dead. "
Why is the website blank white when I open it in mobile Firefox?
Was going to comment about how there is a stock photo for everything. Fingers seem too good for AI?
Nevermind, that kids right hand… 😅
Quake? The FPS? I’m confused, though I knew a little about Linux
Outlaw Star needs to be in here somewhere…
+1 for xkcd