Either, really. Just not Jack Black, as great as he is.
Either, really. Just not Jack Black, as great as he is.
The chief sin to me is not hiring the VA for Claptrap. At least before this news that people who worked on it aren’t credited.
But yeah, Kevin Hart? Terry Crews is right there man.
Google was always incorrectly viewed as a paragon.
The new update has the villains as a late 1990s boy band. They have a song on spotify and tidal. On-Lyne, Party of your Lifetime.
And in what weve seen of the quest, at one point you fight an alternate universe Soviet tank.
In the comments its not just chrome that is affected.
Its apparently all Chromium browsers.
Timing is about right for it to be a batch of newly minted CS grads getting into their first corporate jobs.
Better to analyze for vulnerabilities. Particularly with a number of governments using open source software hosted on github.
Mentions UBlock seems.to be fast and safe, but that the API used lets extensions look at everything you do amd can dramatically affect browser speed. Implying that UBlock Origin is responsible for Chrome being such a memory Hog and that they, not Google, are the ones after your data.
What a garbage article. Chock full of google propaganda and fear mongering.
Simple, the original team that made DA:O went off to do other things or was promoted into management where they did well, but couldn’t replicate the magic of their OG team.
Many pesticides contain PFAS, some directly, but the EPA has determined it was mostly from prevuously unreported chemical reactions between the pesticides and their PFAS laced containers.
The same chemicals that have now been rated as “not safe in any quantity.”
Gee, why are all the frogs and songbirds dying?
I never said that.
I said I found the older methods to be better.
Any time I’ve used it, it either produced things verbatim from existing documentation examples which already didn’t do what I needed, or it was completely wrong.
I haven’t had need to do it.
I can ask people I work with who do know, or I can find the same thing ChatGPT provides in either la huage or project documentation, usually presented in a better format.
The article I posted references a study where chatgpt was wrong 52% of the time and verbose 77% of the time.
And that it was believed to be true more than it actually was. And the study was explicitly on programming questions.
A Google spokesperson told the BBC they were “isolated examples”.
Some of the answers appeared to be based on Reddit comments or articles written by satirical site, The Onion.
But Google insisted the feature was generally working well.
“The examples we’ve seen are generally very uncommon queries, and aren’t representative of most people’s experiences,” it said in a statement.
It said it had taken action where “policy violations” were identified and was using them to refine its systems.
That’s precisely what they are saying.
Dude, the entire pad was gone. People in the “safe” zone had concrete raining down on them and the rocket itself was severely damaged from the takeoff.
If they had done the math before that, they would have never attempted that launch.
There are a lot of people, including google itself, claiming that this behaviour is an isolated and basically blamed users for trolling them.
I was working on the concept of “hallucinations” being things returned that are unrelated to the input query, not directly part of the model as with the glue-pizza.
I feel it is an insult to Kinggath to say his stuff is “as good as” Bethesda itself.
His stuff is completely superior to Bethesda itself.