unless you buy a game that later adds denuvo, of course
unless you buy a game that later adds denuvo, of course
i read the whole article and still have no idea what this has to do with furries.
i think you might be misunderstanding what ‘3rd party’ means. if ubisoft is making you use an ubisoft launcher to run ubisoft games, that’d be first party. here’s an article detailing what the terms mean with regards to game developers. a third party launcher would be like when you add a non-steam game to steam.
couldn’t be that long. i was on the site a couple days ago.
real talk though, use bacon grease instead of butter if you really wanna up your grilled cheese.
even if they were breaking tos (and i don’t think it sounds quite so cut and dry), shouldn’t the response be to notify them and allow them to fix it, or just terminate the account? demanding a ton of money to make the problem seems a skeevy way of handling it on cloudflare’s part.
is there a non sexist/queerphobic meaning for that term? i would assume the bigotry is the whole point.
i don’t want to go to all that effort. if you feel like it, could you describe it?
i thought the top bit was originally 0 or 1 depending on the evilness/odiousness of the rest of the number, as a parity check.
hopefully by then it’ll all be sorted by whatever fix they implemented before 2038.