So basically the same as a discard in C#?
So basically the same as a discard in C#?
Don’t look at me. I voted five. And then when the scrum master was like, “jubilationtcornpone, are you ok with it being a three?” I said “No.” But someone who thought they knew better decided it was going to be a three anyways.
“Doctor, anywhere I take my baby, things keep exploding violently. Like in a way that seems excessive and dramatic. What do I do?”
“Oh dear. Well it seems your baby has Michael Bay Syndrome. I wouldn’t expect the explosions to stop any time soon but it’s not life threatening. Other symptoms usually include misogyny and negative reviews on Rotton Tomatoes.”
A race to accrue as much technical debt as quickly as possible by focusing stricty on individual features while ignoring the long term ramifications of design decisions.
“I’m going to try to hack the system.”
# sudo apt install hollywood
# hollywood
“We’re in!”
He also had a drivers license. Basically state sponsored terrorism.
Y’all aren’t gonna believe this but the guy used electricity in various ways while planning the attack.
“Maybe if you tell me the bad news in a good way, it won’t sound so bad.”
At some point I need to migrate off Hyper-V. Probably to Proxmox.
Ugh. I don’t wanna.
I would like to once again thank the motion picture and recording industry associations for their contributions to both the sophistication of media piracy and the quality of content.
Without their efforts, we would probably all still be playing Russian Roulette on Limewire for a low quality copy of Zoolander. The first person to record a movie on Betamax would probably shit themselves if they could have seen what could be accomplished with some arrogance, incompetence, and blind greed. There’s no doubt that you guys are the real MVP when it comes to promoting media piracy.
The anti-piracy industry couldn’t be more Mickey Mouse if it were run by the Marx Brothers.
Tesla originally had some star power because they were doing things that traditional automakers claimed were impossible. A litany of poor engineering decisions and Elon showing his true colors have worn off any remaining novelty.
I would just like contacts that work well with my astigmatism. Then I wouldn’t have to wear glasses at all which would be fantastic.
A contributing factor in all of this is that US manufacturers have spent the better part of the last 30 years turning their engineering departments into glorified parts replacers. A complaint I have heard from nearly every electrical/electronics engineer that I’ve known is that “We don’t design things anymore. Now we just spend most of our time trying to find replacements for chips that we can no longer get.”
From what I can tell, from my very limited perspective, there has been a significant lack of investment in engineering capabilities and a resulting lack of innovation for a long time. As usual, short term thinking is expensive in the long run. We’re only just beginning to find out how expensive.
NEVER test your backups. It wears out the tapes faster.
One major problem with the current generation of "AI"seems to be it’s inability to use relevant information that it already has to assess the accuracy of the answers it provides.
Here’s a common scenario I’ve run into: I’m trying to create a complex DAX Measure in Excel. I give ChatGPT the information about the tables I’m working with and the expected Pivot Table column value.
ChatGPT gives me a response in the form of a measure I can use. Except it uses one DAX function in a way that will not work. I point out the error and ChatGPT is like, "Oh, sorry. Yeah that won’t work because [insert correct reason here].
I’ll try adjusting my prompt a few more times before finally giving up and just writing the measure myself. It does not have the ability to reason that an answer is incorrect even though it has all the information to know that the answer is incorrect and can even tell you why the answer is incorrect. It’s a glorified text generator and is definitely not “intelligent”.
It works fine for generating boiler plate code but that problem was already solved years ago with things like code templates.
A flying nasty dirt magnet that takes you places.
So basically JavaScript with TypeScript.
One takes you places, the other is a nasty dirt magnet. Which one is which is entirely subjective.
Ok, now this is just showing off. Patch cables all the exact required length and everything all nice and neat. I bet you check your backups regularly and do a monthly DR fail over test too.
…Kidding aside, your setup looks really good.
Film Studios:
“We’ll recycle the same theme’s and franchises over and over until they’re completely worn out AND we’ll paywall the shit out of our media so everyone has to have 27 subscriptions to watch anything remotely interesting. Oh, and you’re going to like it because we said so.”
Also Film Studios:
“Wait, where are you going!? Why aren’t you giving us money??? Come back! You can’t not subscribe!”
Don’t worry. We’ll totally fix all of them soon. Promise. Hand to God. They definitely will not be here five years from now.