What has social media like tiktok or whatever done to improve peoples lives?
Man, just use Lemmy and stay off those toxic apps. I’ve had multiple people send me tiktok links and guess what, that shit stays unclicked. I want no part of it.
What has social media like tiktok or whatever done to improve peoples lives?
Man, just use Lemmy and stay off those toxic apps. I’ve had multiple people send me tiktok links and guess what, that shit stays unclicked. I want no part of it.
I’m just amazed they haven’t tried to use AI to write and record their shoddy muzak, cutting out the musician all together.
DOTA 2 is my primary time waster, have over 3000+ hours on it. It’s endlessly entertaining, because there is so much variability in the games. You have 4-8 spells depending on the hero, with 6 active item slots, which means once your team has leveled up, team fights can be a burst of seconds, or a 5+ minute long affair, with each tank employing different survival strategies to block damage, heal, or escape, just to heal and get right back in it. There are multiple different game modes, but are a little challenging to find and play. Still, it is the one game I play with the steepest learning curve. I don’t think I saw myself as “good at the game” until I was around 1000 hours in 😶
Smite is the only other game I have 1000+ hours in. I started playing it as a break from DOTA 2, and as a way to connect with my little brother. It’s a lot like DOTA 2, but far more simplistic. Each god has 4 spells, with no active items. Instead of left-clicking for movement on a map, you use WASD to maneuver your god. It’s fun, and you can pick it up after like 30 hours. The different game modes are a lot easier to navigate than in DOTA, but it’s also a lot less engaging. The updates and quests are all very simplistic. I was going to try out the new Smite 2, but after watching some game play, it looks… exactly the same as Smite 1.
Why does the article keep referring to Google as “The Chocolate Factory?”
Ounce of prevention worth a pound of not being subjected to an endless stream of racist hate-filled trolls!
Great list of websites to never visit 👍
I get enough hate-speech during on-line video games. By not using any of those apps, I successfully save myself from multitudes more, while also foregoing any potentially addictive status-seeking site-based-compulsions. I used to play Clash of Clans on my phone because it was a good way to waste a couple minutes while taking a shit. I quit when I began to play too much. I feel like Facebook, twitter, instagram, they’re all just sites to waste time on. Which begs the question, why waste time on them at all? Why waste time?
I know not every moment can be spent fruitfully, but when something you do to waste a bit of time in between/during mundane tasks becomes something that now demands attention outside of that, then it’s time to stop wasting time on it.
I unironically got into that song for a minute, and I’m just a little on the 'tism scale so I tend to listen to the same shit over and over. My SO was super weirded out by that song, because she couldn’t dissociate it from that scene in Silence of the Lambs. At that point I started putting it on just to mess with her, because she would always make a quip or give me a weird look, to which I’d immediately jump up and do the buffalo Bill pose-dance. T’was fun.
Man, I just think it’s a banger
I mean, little dude peaked at two months old as emperor of Russia, then was Man-in-the-Iron-Masked until his death, right at the moment of his release.
Russian or Greek, it’s a freaking tragedy. I hope the guard that followed orders in killing him before he could be released was subsequently wrecked. Freaking bootlickers, man. They exist in every century.
Upon the accession of Peter III in 1762, Ivan’s situation seemed about to improve, for the new emperor visited him and sympathised with his plight, but Peter was deposed just a few months later. New instructions were sent to Ivan’s guardian to place manacles on his charge, and even to scourge him should he become unmanageable.
Dang. Upon the doorstep of deliverance, a new emperor visiting your cell, empathizing with your position, only to have him deposed just as ruthlessly, and your situation made all the worse. How is this a real story and not some terrible ancient Greek tragedy?
There are two reasons he believes the neocortex could be replaced, albeit only slowly. The first is evidence from rare cases of benign brain tumors, like a man described in the medical literature who developed a growth the size of an orange. Yet because it grew very slowly, the man’s brain was able to adjust, shifting memories elsewhere, and his behavior and speech never seemed to change—even when the tumor was removed.
That’s proof, Hébert thinks, that replacing the neocortex little by little could be achieved “without losing the information encoded in it” such as a person’s self-identity.
The second source of hope, he says, is experiments showing that fetal-stage cells can survive, and even function, when transplanted into the brains of adults. For instance, medical tests underway are showing that young neurons can integrate into the brains of people who have epilepsy and stop their seizures.
“It was these two things together—the plastic nature of brains and the ability to add new tissue—that, to me, were like, ‘Ah, now there has got to be a way,’” says Hébert.
Very interesting. I’ve also seen research suggesting that the application of stem cells to damaged neural tissue within the spinal cord could repair it, so the idea that you could use a similar approach to actual brain health isn’t such a big leap. But still, wow. I wonder how long it would take for the immature cells to develop into “adult mode” that’s fully integrated into the patients cortex. In order to replace the entire brain, you’d have to do it in like, 8 parts, with years of recovery time in between each surgery. Also there would exist the potential for the new cells to develop into like, a second, smaller brain, if the connections sour or if the new material isn’t stimulated the “right” way.
“The men came over to the car again and stood in front of it for a few minutes. Finally when they left, the car was still stalled but I clicked the ‘in car support’ on the screen and they seemed to be aware of the issue,” Amina said. “They asked if I was OK and the car began to drive towards my location. They asked if I needed police support and I said no.”
When she was almost to her destination, Waymo support called her again to ask if she was ok, she said. “I assured him that I was fine and he told me I would be given a free ride after,” she said. “After many hours I was called one last time by their support team. They asked if I was OK and told me that they have 24/7 support available. They also said I would get the next ride or next two rides (uncertain) free.”
While scary, I’m left kinda impressed by Waymo’s support.
On 5 November 1910,[2][3] on her 14th outbound voyage, carrying a mixed cargo including a number of pianos for Chile, Preussen was at 23:35 rammed by the small British cross-channel steamer Brighton 8 nautical miles (15 km) south of Newhaven.[4] Contrary to regulations, Brighton had tried to cross her bows, underestimating her high speed of 16 knots (30 km/h). Preussen was seriously damaged and lost much of her forward rigging (bowsprit, fore topgallant mast), making it impossible to steer the ship to safety.
Brighton returned to Newhaven to summon aid and the tug Alert was sent to assist Preussen. A November gale thwarted attempts to sail or tug her to safety in Dover Harbour. It was intended to anchor her off Dover, but both anchor chains broke, and Preussen was driven onto rocks at Crab Bay, where she sank as a result of the damage inflicted on her. While crew, cargo and some equipment could be saved from Preussen, with the keel broken she was rendered unsalvageable. She sits in 6 metres (3.3 fathoms) of water at 51°8.02′N 1°22.17′E. The Master of Brighton was found to be responsible for the accident and lost his licence as a result. A few ribs of Preussen can be seen off Crab Bay at low spring tides.
Wow, that captain messed up big time.
“Regio Gigantum?” So below the Cannibals and Ze German Belt, lies the land of giants?
I’m from there so I can say this, Columbus is a shit-hole.
AP News is basically the only media source I really trust. Their reporting is always factual and with as little bias/editorializing as possible.
Because the bank was insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the FDIC “absorbed the $47.1 million loss” after "Hanes’ fraudulent actions caused HTSB to fail and the bank investors to lose $9 million.
his sentence of more than 24 years is 29 months longer than prosecutors had requested, NBC News reported.
Here, the only reason he’s seeing jail time. Not because he stole, but he stole from the rich. Tanking a bank and losing poor peoples money won’t get you anything. But lose rich peoples money, and you’re going down. There are two justice systems in america, and you don’t have access to the one that works.
Trickle down economics would only work if you gave them a tax cut, and then forced them to spend whatever money they saved. And then they’d have to ensure that the money is being spent in ways that benefit the working class, like supporting a small business or union shop. But they never take it that extra step, so it will always fail. it’s only ever been a handout to the wealthy, designed to inspire loyalty and garner future favors.
I have just as much sympathy for those poor individuals as I would for health insurance employees that would lose their job as a result of U.S. universal healthcare. Well, a little bit more, as they at least made people smile on occasion.