it looks like there is a bedrock branch, but i personally have no experience with bedrock.
see this issue for more details: https://github.com/minekube/gate/issues/11
it looks like there is a bedrock branch, but i personally have no experience with bedrock.
see this issue for more details: https://github.com/minekube/gate/issues/11
i have used gate for my internal and external, works very well and i do exactly what you are asking and separate different versions and modpacks by name https://github.com/minekube/gate
make sure it’s configured for clean shut downs before your battery runs out, auto power up on restoration, and hope it doesn’t happen. you will eventually have an outage that outlasts your batteries.
I have a large string of batteries from an old telco office, that runs my rack for 14hrs (calculated, I shut everything down around this time) and that did not last for the 2-3 day outage we had after a storm. Without a generator, you will inevitably have an outage, but if you are prepared, then you can mitigate any damage. use NUT if you need to shutdown or power multiple devices from one monitored UPS
would be a good idea to test the backups on 7, and double check the release notes, they hold just about every caveats. The 7to8 upgrade was not horrible, if you have backups, you could always attempt the upgrade after taking backups, then if successful take new backups, test, then install new drives and restore. depends on how paranoid you feel.
If this was a production system, that is probably the change plan i would follow, but in production I would also be able to migrate VMs. I am not nearly as careful in the home environment.
what about that doesn’t work? just because you don’t know how doesn’t mean not possible.
maybe a vpn provider that uses openvpn? advanced setup but you can have an openvpn client auto connect on boot and bind the mail and ddclient to the tunnel interface.
cloudflare has good support for ddclient, so when your IP changes updates are automatic.
from your router can you ping the AP behind that switch, while the issue is occurring? All L2 unmanaged switches, no tagging? POE from the switch or an injector? If from the switch maybe put an injector in between?
I work for an ISP in the network engineering dept, I personally have never seen an issue exactly like this before, but we generally do power calculations for switching and wifi, this sounds like a power issue to me.
one of the reasons you see these as separate is because of the amount of modularity you get with grafana, you don’t always use it with prometheus, sometimes with ELK sometimes Influx and Telegraf. If you intend to set it up outside of the “typical” you start to really appreciate one piece doing one thing, and doing it well.
i like it, i have been pretty happy with it, but i was also specifically looking for keeping notes in markdown, so ymmv depending on what you want/need. i run it on a docker server i already had, using compose and it has been very stable
i didn’t downvote but 17v on a 12v battery maybe seems a bit high. I’m more used to about 7-14% over (maybe up to 14v on a 12v batt) when charged/floating but i don’t use solar anywhere currently, and i usually work on 48v systems. i normally expect to see about 54v on a fully charged battery string (13.5v per battery x4) with the rectifiers running.
i also second the opinion of running an automotive PSU for this situation.
edit: i looked it up since i was curious, some “12v” solar panels can output between 16-20v, but it’s recommended that you would use a charge controller, especially if you have lead-acid batteries
i buy my domains from namecheap but i use cloudflare for name servers (free tier, dns only for everything) and have ddclient (or whatever the newest version is called now) which runs on my router. my current settings only update cloudflare when the interface changes, and then update time after the change is about 15 minutes for propagation. i work in the network department of my isp so my address doesn’t change often, but the isp side of my setup is identical to any other subscriber. i use opnsense, but also manage a very small pfsense box that this works on as well. i update ipv4 dynamically, but not ipv6 yet, but i will.
as someone who does stuff in my lab that can translate to a work context, i absolutely second this opinion.
if i am labbing to learn, then learning the best way to do it is always be the main focus, even if it means restarting what I was doing to change how some prerequisite is setup or functions.
today, OP is working with jellyfin, but as an example, what happens if later they get security cameras and want to use some sort of local ML to analyze events, and don’t want to put a lot cpu utilization to that task during lulls in activity? a solution might be to dynamically create and destroy containers for the analysis tasks, and the background on a network setup in an unrelated container stack that would allow scaling that means one less problem to solve later.
typically you only need one power supply to run it, once you move to redundant power you can use the second one in case the first one fails. when you plug both in it will just balance across both until one fails.
in my opinion, hardware should only be hypervisors that run virtual machines, then you can provision VMs, similar to using VPSs. going this route you will need a vga monitor for initial setup, eventually everything is done over the lan with a web ui or ssh.
i use proxmox which is Debian based for the hypervisor.
As far as what you do with it, is that you can in theory replace the VPSs or test software in your lan.
to compare, i have my router (vyos), homeassistant, a docker server for hosting small services, a network lab (gns3), windows and mac VMs, and more running on a cluster that is using similar hardware.