Well that was 18% of 90% so still awful drain regardless.
Well that was 18% of 90% so still awful drain regardless.
Well here’s the drain I was talking about at least. 18% in less than an hour and thirty minutes of use for a web browser isn’t normal. In an hour of use a Chromium browser only drains 6-7 ish % for me. This has been an issue for I guess the past month or so? It drove me crazy so I had to uninstall. And it’s not just me either, there are tons of posts from people with the same problem on Reddit. If you don’t have problems, good for you I guess.
I ran Firefox Android with uBo and AdGuardDNS.
That’s all fine and good but Firefox on Android is currently in a sorry state. No per-site process isolation, buggy, can’t keep tabs open, slow, choppy, drains battery. Had to uninstall it on my brand new Galaxy S24+ and my Pixel 6 Pro because it was draining so much battery. When are you going to finally stop ignoring Firefox Android, Mozilla?
It’s open source. Authy isn’t.
Any reason to switch from Aegis?
Can we have a YouTube competitor? Pretty please? 🥺
I would donate if I wasn’t so broke =)
I use Orion. It’s basically Safari but way better.
Still not available in my country. Sadge.
When I move out I’m gonna get all dumb home gear. Fuck smart homes.
For real. Even though my country has diplomatic ties with NK I would never in a million years step foot in there. I don’t think anyone should.
Good point. But I have DNS adblocking so that doesn’t bother me much.
Yeah, maybe. Felt kinda like betraying my faith or something at first when I switched back lol but I got used to it.
Cromite can do that too actually.
I am going to be downvoted to hell for this. I use Mullvad Browser/LibreWolf on desktop but on Android I prefer Chromium. I was using Firefox until a couple months ago when I switched back to Vanadium/Cromite. Chromium on Android is very nice. First it has Material You support so it looks much better than Firefox. Second, it loads website faster and it scrolls buttery smooth unlike the noticeably choppier Firefox. Plus it has 120hz on the privacy preserving forks unlike Firefox which is stuck on 60hz with RFP on. Third, Chromium has per-site process isolation on Android so it has better security. I probably won’t be switching back until Firefox catches up on those fronts.
Why anyone would ever trust somebody else with their DNA data is beyond me.
I’m not defending X or anything, I’m just asking people to read the damn article before going in with the obligatory “Why not Mastodon?” If they had read the article, they would’ve known that the project has a Mastodon account already and we wouldn’t have been wasting our time.
Society if people read the article: