I was expecting the last panel to be him sitting down to this cubicle to fill in an eight hour work day to make less than minimal wage.
Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.
I was expecting the last panel to be him sitting down to this cubicle to fill in an eight hour work day to make less than minimal wage.
This is what happens when governments rely on a private corporate service for public announcements
Every government should just adopt a fediverse instance of some sort, maintain it and push that to everyone to use as a public announcement service. That way it would not be controlled, manipulated, lost or disconnected if they had full control over it all the time.
Should I call you ‘Al’? … or ‘Din’? … or how bout just ‘Laddy’!
definitely one of my favourite Williams characters
My thinking is that we will probably wipe ourselves out ourselves through war / conflict / nuclear holocaust before AI ever gets to the point of having any kind of power or influence to affect the planet or humanity as a whole.
I don’t think AI will wipe us out
I think we will wipe ourselves out first.
Problem is that yes they will probably do that and get away with it and a bunch of kids get to have a bunch of fun … learn very little other than how to cheat and get by and they get a passing grade and go through school learning nothing.
I am Luigi
Lol … I thought you were asking to nudify the jury
Isn’t this the basis of how all cryptocurrency work?
When you think about it … isn’t this also how all money works?
When society gets to the point where you will die if you don’t do anything … or you will die if you do something …
Eventually people realize that they will be punished, threatened or endangered no matter what they do or don’t do, some people will come to the conclusion that they would rather go down fighting.
If you’re going to get screwed doing nothing, some would rather go out on a blaze of glory because they no longer have anything to lose.
… such as like you know Iraq, like you know, and such as education for children, such as, education, you know such as
I was wondering why it sounded more human these days
The world has left everything on the shelf in full public view and access for anyone to take. Everything is based on a system of trust where we willingly pay for things and take what’s on the shelf, knowing full well that we could just take the thing off the shelf and walk away without paying. We all trust one another to be fair and do the right thing … and for the most part, the majority of everyone agrees with that.
Unfortunately, some asshats decided that it was a good idea to make everything expensive or to nickel and dime everyone to death … most people especially young people just get so pissed off because they can afford fewer and fewer things that they decide that the system of trust is no longer working or worth it.
So they just take the things off the shelf and tell the asshats to go fuck themselves.
so you agree with half of half of young Norwegians
There’s a bit of an aftertaste of tar from his ship tho
Just don’t scrape the pot too hard when stirring it.
Does this mean that they started the first batch thousands of years ago with Theseus in it?
A bit concerning that it is propped up on a night table and sitting right next to a doorway. There’s only two of us in the house but I would never place electronic equipment like that near a doorway where I myself could just knock it over (because I’ve done stuff like that in the past). Get it on the floor or on the opposite side of the room where no one including yourself can walk or move around near it.