Wish I could play it without a ps5
Wish I could play it without a ps5
Fascinating. Never heard of this guy until now. Based on that picture, Hauser was definitely lying about his age.
Win 7 really was the best of them all.
I got a different take from this article. The economy doesn’t really play into the fact that games are so big today because you have to make it bigger than the previous one. Same with the console stats. Gotta make it more powerful. But we are at a point where most people can’t see the difference between PS5 and PS4. It’s going to be even less obvious when PS6 arrives.
I agree that it’s time for a hard reset.
I’ve been playing through Fallout New Vegas for the first time. Got it modded to look modern too so that’s been a really nice touch. New Vegas Reloaded is a bitch to get running but so worth it.
Fallout 3 was my very first Fallout and played it way back when it came out, then proceeded to skip new Vegas and played thru 4 back when that one released.
All this time I was time I was like damn, 3 is my favorite only because of nostalgia and actually ran a quick play thru back in April when all the Fallout hype started because of the TV show.
But I also bought New Vegas finally during this hype and am almost done with my first playthrough and wow I get why it’s considered the best Fallout game.
The RPG elements are perfection, the stories are so interesting and gameplay is challenging but fair. I’m so glad I can now understand all the hype behind this game.
Geezus the story isn’t ass. I know you prefaced with it just being your opinion, but with a charged comment like that’s it’s hard not to want to push back.
I asked my brother this who’s a huge fina fantasy fan and he says it’s the best story wise since 10. 13 is just boring, 15 is so convoluted and bloated. 12 is pretty good but the retread in Ivaice always felt like a cop out. 16 is the most consice FF story wise in years.
We can only hope
Hard to beat that Pixar money.
I want to better understand this because the sky is clearly a specific color that has been there since the beginning.
How did proto humans not look up at the sky and considered in their feeble brains, “everything above the ground is this very unique color. It’s different from the ground, and the plants.”
I get that sea and lakes really don’t look blue. But did they look up and not see some shade of blue on a clear day?
Interesting twist we got today
There have been rumors of a 2D Zelda too, so I have a feeling we see Zelda in this direct in some form.
Yeah I think this was the game that I’m most interested about from the showcase
Shiiiiiit, best surprise from SGF thus far. But I have a feeling there are more to come
Oh shit ive been waiting for him to drop this video!
Is there any research going on for anti-aging in cats yet?
Also Reddit has been around for over a decade and lemmy has existed for about 4 years. It’s hard to compare the two in that regard.
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I guess I’ve gotten so use to today’s pirating techniques that my perception of what is considered easy has changed. Reading through your post, I’m reminded of how much easier it really was back then.
You guys might not be right for each other.