They’re both very good. If you like the screams like that, Killadelphia is an amazing album (and Lamb of God’s best, IMO). It is definitely not often that I advocate for a live album, but this one destroys.
They’re both very good. If you like the screams like that, Killadelphia is an amazing album (and Lamb of God’s best, IMO). It is definitely not often that I advocate for a live album, but this one destroys.
Angel of Death!
Slayer fucking rules.
Upvote for Lamb, Ruin is a great song.
To answer your question, Pantera - Great Southern Trendkill.
And, the more general purpose they can be, means they could be live-in assistants as well. Would insurance rather past for a device to keep you in your own home versus moving you to a care facility?
Hopefully it’s more Jetsons and less I, Robot.
I’d agree with you. The actors, singing, set design, choreography, are all amazing. The story is just uninspiring and I think it’s reflected in the performances outside the musical bits.
Hot take, but Wicked. It’s an average movie with a huge marketing budget preying on nostalgia for a much better film.
Like, it wasn’t bad, but it certainly was my biggest letdown of the year.
Also — movie starts, title card… “Part 1”? Fuck right off, Disney.
I walked away to do something else for 30 minutes in the middle and I don’t think I missed anything. It was very much like a Hallmark movie. Doesn’t help that Dakota Johnson can’t act her way out of a paper bag, and the rest of the cast just phoned it in.
Doesn’t look like the guy in the photos. That guy had a coat on. Not guilty.
I suspect many orgs were waiting to see if Microsoft blinked and pushed the date. Now with only 10 months to go to Win10 EoL, they don’t have a choice anymore.
Truly, the king of efficiency. Dumbass.
I like it. Dolph and Frank better get a cameo, too.
I still frequent quite a few fora, though they’re not as active as they used to be, but still offer great discourse on numerous topics.
Still whipping the llama’s ass all these years later! So glad this one never died. Way too much time getting all my music tags right so everything would be formatted correctly in Winamp when I was young.
If it’s not connected to the internet, it can’t update or retrieve those changes. So no, it would not be impacted until the next time it was connected. I’ve never had a smart TV that required a persistent connection to work at all, and I wouldn’t ever buy one that did.
Saw the ads for this one and then saw it’s only 500 lumens. Hope you like watching your crazy expensive projector in a perfectly dark room where no one else will see its “style”.
If I remember correctly, the first USPS fleet replacement option was laughable in its EV percentage, but I believe that has since changed to a significantly higher percentage.
This USPS announcement says 75% will be electric, and they’ll only be buying electric after 2026.
Agree. I imagine that as these fleets grow you’ll see more of those figures. In my experience, the 10k service on my EV was just a tire rotation. $20. I certainly spent more than that in oil changes alone with my ICE in the first 10k miles. I imagine it will be the same for buses.
The downside is the significantly higher up front cost, but you make up for it in reduced fuel and maintenance costs, as well as a longer service life.
Love to see it. All these large vehicles that stop and go in urban areas are prime candidates for electrification. Hope to see (at least) one in person around here in the next few years!
I wish they’ve finally just nationalize the entire infrastructure and then sell access to the ISPs like they did with British Telecom in the UK. Cable companies are scum and they shouldn’t be getting any further support or federal funding after the shit they’ve pulled.
I didn’t need a new phone line when I wanted to change long distance plans 40 years ago. Why is Internet service any different? Mandate a line/conduit to each house and be done with it. See how they like it when they actually have to compete.
That would have been an instant return for me.