so if that’s the grande finale of yours, trying to leave your comfort zone - and you consider that as satisfying … well - i wish you all the best for your future endeavours
there are plenty of options in linux - you just gave up because your desired usecase wasn’t working out of the box … and instead of risking to learn something you decided to spread negativity and even worse, you spread incorrect information to others … hope you had your fun with that
quote: “but this was way beyond & below what i could even imagine.” - mate, you complained about not having a GUI for doing apt install XYZ.deb
the whole eco system would be so much nicer, if people would resist to spread negativity and instead become a part of the solution rather than the problem … you say, your an dev - you found some workarounds … great, what blocks you of writing some guides to some of the issues you ran into - or even do some PRs to get rid of the problems you faced
its so easy to expect that this wonderfull opensource world is doing everything what multi billion $ comanies are doing and then complain about whats not working (perfectly on first try) instead of apreciating the thousands and thousands of hours ppl are investing to get things going and having a chance of getting out of the walled gardens of windows/macOS - and if it comes to my experience - they did not only come close - they 100% replaced windows
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