I saw John Wick last month for its 10 year anniversary.
I saw John Wick last month for its 10 year anniversary.
At this point, looking at this vehicle with your naked eyes is bound to cause damage.
I’m pretty sure this is in response to a recent California bill that forces digital storefronts to disclose if it is a license you are getting. Otherwise the storefront is not allowed to use words like “buy” or “purchase”.
What qualifies as experimental?
That explains why. throws hands up https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_13_196
Didn’t the EU force Microsoft to show third-party alternatives to Internet Explorer like a decade ago? I feel like this is the same thing.
Sounds like Grizz if he moved out of the cave he lived in with Panda and Ice Bear.
How to speed run your entire user base into hating you.
Don’t you dare disrespect Hologram Janeway! /s
But please don’t.
EDIT: Just to be clear my tone is the sarcasm.
Okay, but what did a HOLOGRAM have this knowledge?
As long as we can still go to The Restaurant the End of the Universe, I’m cool with that.
Then why did a hologram of Janeway tell a bunch of kids she once was a salamander?
Sure, sure, you think looking for an intermix chamber of antimatter and matter that is not 1:1 is easy. What happens if they are simply leaking plasma from their nacelles? Or what if the ship is trying to steal your tech by luring an engineer onboard to repair “damaged” systems?
Or what if their warp drive uses an artificial singularity?
I already dislike the experience of being with other passengers on United. Nothing negative occurred on my part, just noticed how badly behaved other passengers were compared to every other airline I’ve flown.
My point is, I wouldn’t pick United to fly as my first choice.
I trust NASA but despite that I still don’t trust that it was Boeing who were involved.
I once had a conversation with someone about a hypothetical thing and they said it was the plot of this movie.
I eventually watched it after that.