Is that the difference between when something like Google Maps has your general location and when it has your specific location?
Is that the difference between when something like Google Maps has your general location and when it has your specific location?
That statements is actually infused with some racial epithets.
Vi is actually a predecessor to Vim but many people, myself included, will alias Nvim or Vim to Vi. And I’ve seen people use Vi as a catch all too.
Is that… Fun?
Ah. Okay. It took me a moment to get this person’s perspective on this. They’re a non-US citizen who’s asserting that this person’s ‘wokism’ (i.e. nont being a prick) is hypocritical because they didn’t voice their concerns over the exile of Russian devs from the Linux Kernel. Isn’t that kind of a mix of a straw man (not clear what this ‘woke’ person’s views are on that; troll makes assertions on what the ‘woke’ person didn’t say) and an ad hominem (this ‘woke’ didn’t argue against anti-Russian sentiment, therefore their arguments for equality are invalid).
I feel like I’ve wasted my time considering what this clown had to say.
I like to think it was a wordplay.
or that it’s unfixable
Just out of interest. What are some of these unfixable issues?
Absolutely. So much of the libertarian argument for capitalist competition fall apart when faced with the reality of monopolies and oligopolies that control the markets. It’s honestly such a farcical ideology.
Has anyone here ever come across a low res tutorial video with microsmic font that is impossible to read? I appreciate their desire to help others but why do people do that?
Is there any reason to use tealdeer over just tldr aside from speed?
Yes! TIL I can’t count.
Is it… Is it cuz of Cyberpunk?
Please don’t insult pigs by comparing them to that cunt.
That’s why they’re at the bottom.
How much did the CEO of Uber, Dara Khosrowshahi, earn last year?
Someone earned a tidy 540 bucks stumbling onto this one. Not bad.
I can’t imagine they will be able to enforce that part about VPNs…
Guys is there a way to use complex filtering on the Boost app. Maybe a regex? I wanna be able to filter all headlines that include the phrase Google CEO unless it also contains the phrase ‘head explodes’.
Christ, imagine propagating The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 2024. Its got to be one of the most debunked documents in history:
The spurious character of the Protocols was first revealed in 1921 by Philip Graves of The Times (London), who demonstrated their obvious resemblance to a satire on Napoleon III by the French lawyer Maurice Joly, published in 1864 and entitled Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu (“Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu”). Subsequent investigation, particularly by the Russian historian Vladimir Burtsev, revealed that the Protocols were forgeries compounded by officials of the Russian secret police out of the satire of Joly, a fantastic novel (Biarritz) by Hermann Goedsche (1868), and other sources.
From Britannica
They were literally debunked over 100 years ago.
Awh. I was gonna go with Floorp on the name alone. Great name…