$1.29 for an absolute gem of a game. Totally recommend! Works great on my steam deck and ps4 controller
$1.29 for an absolute gem of a game. Totally recommend! Works great on my steam deck and ps4 controller
Thank you JohnnyBravo! You a super cool guy! Just added this as a search engine in Firefox
I recently started my 1st replay since I was a kid. Loving it on the steam deck, battery lasts forever with the old gem!
Lol I feel so called out
Best I can do is a golden shower
More people living at home with parents of roommates, probably mean fewer TVs being sold.
Could someone create a dumby device that looks like a phone to the car but has none of your data. Connect phone to dummy phone, connect dummy phone to car. Phone gives no info besides music or gps to dummy phone. Dummy phone gives “everything” to car but turns out it has nothing.
To be fair we did assemble, just in a different comment. Learn to recognize art noob
Awesome! Glad you’re enjoying it