Not really visual anymore innit
Not really visual anymore innit
Honestly, there’s a completely unfulfilled market for smart phones with physical keyboards right now and fuck capitalism for not meeting this need more efficiently
AI rampancy, the free space of the apocalypse bingo card
Our two scenarios aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive, but yours is much more plausible.
I would bet money (not much, relax) that they got their shit hacked and locked down by ransomware at least, if not also extracted for sale by the same black hat.
The name of the tool doesn’t matter, the subject of the OP is still a sinner 👹
The retractors reneged on a contract that they had already performed from. When you pay for a product and then the salesman takes it back from you months later that’s called theft. They just legalized piracy.
AI rampancy, the 5th horseman of the apocalypse