That about sums it up [deleted]
That about sums it up [deleted]
Not just less guides but the Linux community is also actively hostile to people who just want to fix their problem and not learn how to fix it.
Every not sad is a win
Algorithms will be easier and faster to fix than the process of getting this breakthrough to viability
It costs a lot to become vice president, especially if you weren’t born in America
The first one is just IRV with extra steps
Can you test. for me
Dogma was awesome too. Not every movie has to be the best movie ever to hold a place in your heart, this reads really cynical
Many games launch with improper implementations, causing problems. Is not denuvos fault but it is one more thing to go wrong
Resources used for implementing denuvo and funds for ongoing support take away from the game development itself creating the possibility of less of a game. Denuvo is a subscription, so companies have to keep paying for it. Now they have to charge more for DLC to recover those costs. In both situations, the gamers suffer more than the companies.
DRM in general means you can’t own that thing. Steam is easily cracked if steam went out of business but firaxis or denuvo? If they go under without patching the game then it’s dead forever.
I don’t know if anyone has done a study on denuvos effect on game sales, but there have been many studies on piracy itself that show not only does piracy not steal sales, it helps promote good games through word of mouth and the demo->purchase pipeline where users want online features after trying the game. Bad games don’t get any boost but i think civ7 is safe there.
Just a default install of 365 and the only thing that popped up on the screen was teams. It was a separate uninstaller, which was nice I guess? But you have to dig through the 30 language un installers for 365 to find it.
I can’t really think of a reason why 10 is listed as good, does it actually do something better than 7? Even just graphical interface?
See, I understand that you’re trying to joke but the linked video explains how the use of the word dumber here doesn’t make any sense. LLMs hold a lot of raw data and will get it wrong at a smaller percent when asked to recite it, but that doesn’t make them smart in the way that we use the word smart. The same way that we don’t call a hard drive smart.
They have a very limited ability to learn new ways of creating, understand context, create art outside of its constraints, understand satire outside of obvious situations, etc.
Ask an AI to write a poem that isn’t in AABB rhyming format, haiku, or limerick, or ask it to draw a house that doesn’t look like an AI drew it.
A human could do both of those in seconds as long as they understand what a poem is and what a house is. Both of which can be taught to any human.
Is pizza a vegetable?