happens to the best. if fail2ban were any more resiliently engineered it would have failed to start due to the error in the config file
happens to the best. if fail2ban were any more resiliently engineered it would have failed to start due to the error in the config file
it’s as simple as
loss-less vs. lossy
within only a few words of the main description of the thing - no judgement on the tech whatsoever (at least from my side)
awesome template! i see great potential
GNU Guix where even geeks are G
yes, this will not be used by myself directly
oooh, i almost forgot about the sacred list! thanks for the reminder, looks like there’s quite a bunch out there!
this is more a preliminary search and the result will not be used directly - but i’ll try and come back with information on choice and the reasoning behind it
you will need to make sure that jellyfin uses a version of ffmpeg that actually uses your graphics card - you might need to compile ffmpeg with the corresponding flags
username checks out
sad stroustroup noises
top-level commenter says new machines, not all hardware you could possibly attach to whichever bus your mobo offers, but yeah
downvote me again for pointing out that it’s hardware vendors duty to offer drivers for the OS of your choice not your duty to shit on some kernel for not supporting hardware you bought from (excuse my french) shitty vendors
you probably are doing it wrong ;)
the problem is cutting edge devices where vendors only publish windows drivers - often friendly hackers have to develop their own drivers to make your stuff work. for users with such hardware the free software experience is often sub-par and they probably won’t try it anytime soon. but for everyone else, casual i-only-browse-text-and-watch-videos-on-my-rather-standard-build-users will usually find ad-free, smoothly running no-bullshit (or depending on the distro maybe little-bullshit) computing experience. it’s a shame hardware vendors are allowed to only publish drivers for windows.
it’s one of the few cases where people with more expertise (i.e. you who builds your own machibe) get a less satisfying result. i’d suggest you try again with spare parts from your last build ;)
know the feel. even funkier with ssh/scp and the like with every other tool using a different case argument for the same
that’s how we learn and grow, i guess 🤷