I use namesilo it works as expected, wired UI i know bit if you just want a working domain and can do the other things on your own, it’s for you.
I use namesilo it works as expected, wired UI i know bit if you just want a working domain and can do the other things on your own, it’s for you.
Walmart is selling through the website or their partners website. The stuff is kept in storage until the item is deemed useless.
Again not how DRM free market works. You should not have to download another software to download the game.
Gaming wasn’t about platform, it was the ability to download games from your computer or CD. No signups or anything stupid like Steam legal contracts.
You can’t without Steam Client you idiot.
Again, the very definition of DRM is Valve approval of:
Your account
Your money
The requirements laid out in the Steam User agreement
You do not own the game, you don’t own the Steam Client, you don’t own the account and buying doesn’t offer refunds for real money. THE WHOLE THING IS VALVE CORPORATE LEGAL TERF. You can never get Steam exclusive games outside of Steam.
All Valves games are DRM, you can not download the games without Steam Client. No, using the alternative method because the User Agreement doesn’t allow it. Valve never allows games to be installed without permission by them.
That’s the very definition of DRM, a company saying they don’t allow you to install games without consent.
AU lawsuit against Valve proves Valve didn’t want to refund their customers. Valve is guilty of this violation of Australia law. Many people who used Steam before 2010 tell people they were never given refunds oran option for refunds.
Valve is not good guys, they fought the Australia government to the very top to not pay or offer refunds. They are greedy.
Valve’s games also include DRM, Valve will still be blamed. Valve doesn’t care about their games, TF2 community comes into mind when they sent Cease and Desist. No, do not defend them for it because you also would agree with Nintendo’s stance on this issue.
Valve will never be the good guys, only remember as the bad guys.
Don’t buy games on Steam or Valve Corporation, they make you sign the User Agreement that legally waves your rights and ownership of games.
It’s the same as Steam, you sign the contract called “ User Agreement” that has a section on how you don’t own the games. It’s legal and nothing you can do about it. User Agreement also forbids you from suing Valve Corporation, so anyone who wants to own games from SteM legally cannot.
Yes but you’ll get problems during uploads. It’s like Google forcing you to use Android Studio instead of verifying by other means. That’s why people often go to pay others because they don’t want to mess with the verification process.
It won’t pass, they were all built with Swift Programming and Apple owns it. This can also be said about all Apple apps in the play store, the requirement for Swift is unavoidable.
We don’t have unlimited fuel, rockets cost too much fuel. It’s not even normal fuel either, it’s rare chemistry rocket technology that takes a while to develop.
No, it’s just gas powered car that still needs tanks and has everyone knows a around trip back to anywhere requires gas. The “ECO” of space travel.
The problem with if is the answer comes from user. There’s no mathematical reason or scientific explanation, only programmer who thinks the answer should include the subject.
Ok fine, adds public tracking of all Alex Jones court cases and money laundering.
Someone should make an app that post Alex Jones tweets. Nothing else either, no fancy U.I either, just text messages matching tweets from twitter. If Apple banned the app or never released it, the developer could in theory sue Apple because they aren’t doing anything to prevent it on twitter.
That’s the problem, I don’t want Google to have my messages. It should in fact be in my phone.
Then don’t make it repeated and command it to make new words.
Ubisoft “No you don’t”