The sort of person who watched [James Bond] was old, weird, had a hat, smelled, and were Belgian. But nowadays we’re about appealing to a different kind of audience…
The sort of person who watched [James Bond] was old, weird, had a hat, smelled, and were Belgian. But nowadays we’re about appealing to a different kind of audience…
Chill. The graphic wasn’t made for this specific discussion. It’s a widely accepted way to group users of a service. In this case, the bell curve represents the adoption of something other than Twitter by Twitter users, and the driver isn’t “new thing to try” (in as much as neither federated or newer centralized microblogging platforms have much new to offer), it’s the slowly-heating pot of water that the frog is in.
WhatsApp has channels (public feeds centered around topics, a bit like microblogging), communities (groups about a subject, much like Facebook Groups), and updates (temporal video/photo statuses to share with your friends). You might only use it for DM, but it has much bigger aspirations.
That’s definitely not Comic Sans. It’s similar – you can compare the screenshots in the image – but I’m guessing it’s a licensing or cross-platform thing and they’re using a Google webfont?
Reach the objective, whatever way, or fail.
This really isn’t very representative of early Assassins Creed. It’s generally been chock full of very specific instructions - some mandatory, some optional for partial synchronicity – “Don’t alert the guards”, “You have 90 seconds”, “Use smoke bombs 5 times”, etc.
The thing is, the Assassins Creed series doesn’t have its roots in RPG gameplay. They’ve shoehorned it in in later games, but it’s always felt surface-level and cheap. Going back to telling a definitive story, in which you as the player enact the action, is a good thing in my opinion.
[Funko Fusion] game feels like an off-brand LEGO game in all the worst ways
I have a bias here because I’ve never understood the appeal of model collecting in general, and of dead-eyed, amorphous Funko Pops in particular, but I am shocked that a cash grab on the back of emotionless, artistically-bereft figurines wasn’t a smash hit.
Well, not that shocked.
Succinct and accurate. Really wish people were more objective and less polarized on software.
25th or 26th October seems likely to me based on the first announcement (Twitter link).
Mark Gurman, who’s normally dead on the money when it comes to Apple, thinks they’re unlikely to keep up annual releases (though I should note the linked article suggests the new iPhone model schedule is unlikely to change for now).
Good list! We differ on some of them…
I take issue with the settings menu still relying on the old menus while having shuffled things around so I’m forced to look for settings
This is still an issue, but I feel it’s diminishing as they (annoyingly slowly) do move all of the functionality to the new app. It was much worse in Windows 10, I think.
I can say that the start menu is horrendously slow, it can take up to 5 seconds for it to load.
“Works on my machine” is a profoundly unhelpful answer for me to give, but I’m fortunate enough not to have experienced this. If you’re looking for a workaround and don’t mind a further Microsoft app, the launcher in Powertoys is pretty solid.
Sometimes keystrokes disappear in the start menu only to magically appear some time later.
God, I hate the search from the start menu - but I would say that it’s been profoundly broken since Windows 8 and is marginally better in Windows 11.
They made the right click menu worse and only changeable in regedit.
100% agreed. I do think Windows 10 and earlier had a growing issue with the context menus getting unwieldy (Visual Studio is a great demo of how this can get really out of hand) but the solution Windows 11 have brought is annoying more than useful. I suspect at one point I made the registry change and forgot about it, because I’m back to a big Win10-style list.
They made RDP credentials only saveable using CMD.
Agreed again. That said, you’re a masochist if you’re not using an RDP manager like mRemoteNG! I wish Microsoft had a decent RDP app that wasn’t tied into Azure.
They removed vertical taskbars.
I found vertical taskbars incompatible with hotdesking on desks with different monitor configurations, but I do agree this one sucks.
how to unfuck up windows 11 so it works how you expect it to.
I think “how you expect it to” goes to the core of my point - needing to adapt to change isn’t inherently bad. But I’m not pretending Windows 11 is a wholesale improvement, and I do concede many of your arguments.
Agree with all of those points, I just don’t love the reductive notion that every change is a bad change and nothing’s been for the better. In several ways it’s a better OS - but as you say, they are also getting more contemptuous of the end user with things like privacy, anticompetitivity, and ads.
At the risk of being unpopular, I think a lot of what people perceive as unintuitive or worse in terms of settings and OS features is just change. I’m on Enterprise Windows 11 at work and I wouldn’t willingly go back to Windows 10.
I think because it’s Enterprise I’m dodging a lot of the worst of it - ads, telemetry, surprise updates, etc - but the unified settings are better once you learn them, tabbed File Explorer is better, dark mode switching is way better - there’s plenty to like.
I want to see the rise of the Linux desktop as much as anyone, but implying Windows 11 is all bad isn’t that fair an assessment.
The EFF have a bit more general information about location data brokers. Well worth a read.
Schmidt promises that these AI companies will make energy generation systems at least 15% more efficient or maybe even better, telling the audience that “that’s a lot of money for a utility.”
He’s not even trying to be subtle about it.
How was there a demon of misspelling before standardized spelling?
The whole article is just a description of these tweets:
These seem fair ideas? They’re not paywalling critical functionality and you can’t run a massive social network for free. It’s not the same attitude as the wider Fediverse, and I understand why that rubs people the wrong way, but it’s hardly outrageous.