At least they will pay your last month of service when you leave 👍. I agree that they should not have changed the terms later and then rolled back the pr and everything after they terminated the program.
At least they will pay your last month of service when you leave 👍. I agree that they should not have changed the terms later and then rolled back the pr and everything after they terminated the program.
The wardrobe is a good point! I would also add that if your behind computers all day that you spend the extra to make your home office environment comfortable as much as possible. You really do take climate control for granted in the office setting 😉
Yes, I can attest that WFH was a hell of a lot easier when I didn’t have kids. It was 100 times harder with them around. Unfortunately while I carved out a space in my house for WFH, it didn’t prevent my kids from interfering with work tasks lol. It may be a little different now that they are both in school for the day.
For me, while I have worked from home in past jobs, I enjoy going to office as it puts me into a different mind set all together. I have found that I need a separation of environments, otherwise I would spend my off time at home working into the late hours. Also, I would easily spend the entire time sat down in a chair instead of walking around every now and then in an office setting. But that’s me and how I function. I know not everyone is like that.
Powered contacts would be awesome! Especially if they can let you zoom your eyesight to a degree. Also, skin powered hearing aids!!