Just a guy wandering aimlessly through this world.

Pronouns: he/him/his

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m probably going to get downvoted to Hell and back, but someone’s gotta say it: that’s a git problem, not Windows.

    First of all, I agree that case-insensitive file systems suck. It makes things inconsistent, especially from a development standpoint.

    But, everyone has known that Windows (and macOS) use case insensitive file systems. At least for Windows, it always has been that way.

    Git was written in Linux, which uses a case sensitive file system. So it’s no surprise that its internals use case insensitive storage. Someone ported it over to Windows, and I’m sure they knew about the file system differences. They could’ve taken that into account for file systems that are case insensitive, but chose not to do anything to safe guard Windows users.

    But until the day that somebody fixes Git, everybody who is not using case sensitive file systems needs to care more about how they name things (and make sure their team does too). Because fuck everyone else, right?

  • Not sure which side of the argument you’re taking. But, to answer your questions…

    how much does it cost tesla to provide API access?

    Not as much as they would want you to believe. Most APIs are written once, and only updated if a major change in the backend happens. The majority of any operating costs would go into cloud services, if the telemetry from the car is sent to Tesla first. I don’t own a Tesla, so I don’t know for sure. I would imagine it’s, because that would allow Tesla better metrics on app usage.

    or we don’t discuss their costs structure and profit margin?

    Whose? Tesla or the app developers? I’m not against a business making a profit. It’s kind of the point. They provide some sort of service, and as a customer we pay some sort of fee. The problem as I see it, some companies (like Twitter, Reddit, and Tesla for example) are not balancing the age-old “supply and demand” model of economics. Of course that’s my opinion.

    we only do that for the guy doing the actual work

    Huh? Please explain.


    I don’t get it. Why do people end their otherwise non-funny statements with “lol”?