I don’t know what compositor is and at this point I’m too afraid to ask
I don’t know what compositor is and at this point I’m too afraid to ask
Similarly, there was a sonic boom over our area in 2016, I kinda knew what it was having an interest in military aircraft but twitter was on fire about an explosion in our area and the military base itself responded with information on what was happening.
Turned out it was Euro fighter typhoons responding to a commercial flight that lost coms.
Last time I used twitter tbf
Believe it dealt in rich text format rtf by default, think it was too limited for docx but I’m open to being corrected
This is probably a good thing even if real nudes leaked nobody would know if it’s real
I’ve seen a Firefox plugin called block the rich… I guess it wouldn’t fly if they called it block Elon
Not used it so don’t know if it’s any good
What are you gonna do about it? Install Linux?