Somewhat old CPUs are 8 years old+ now? Windows 11 is crap, but I don’t think the hardware requirements are the reason.
Somewhat old CPUs are 8 years old+ now? Windows 11 is crap, but I don’t think the hardware requirements are the reason.
This is how I become radicalized.
Haven’t seen anyone mention this, but a lot of the times if you’re quick you can just click reader mode and the whole page loads.
Media outlets like to inflate their own self importance. See it all the time.
I think a lot of these movies entered production after the first 2 Venom movies. By the time Sony realized they weren’t going to see the same success, it was too late to pull the plug. I think Kraven is the last one in the pipe so I doubt we’ll see anymore. Even Venom 3 didn’t do that great.
Thought it was a good opportunity to switch to a custom protagonist. Oh well.
Can’t wait to buy the finished game in 2 years for like $15 lol.
I’m just glad they haven’t figured out that I’m not actually a student and haven’t been for over 10 years.
This seems kind of pointless to me. Glad they cut it.
Yeah it seems like a weird thing to get mad about. No one is forcing anyone to pay this guy for his wallpaper app. Keep watching his videos if you enjoy them or don’t. The wallpaper app seems as inconsequential as his DBrand shilling. I watch his reviews every year and I’ve never bought anything from DBrand lol. Mostly because the products look like shit tbh.
I did the same thing also assuming kernel drivers were more mature. I’ll let someone else beta test for me.
Has critical thinking ever been taught? Feel like it’s just something you have or you don’t.
There’s just no point in criticizing the Republican party. Their supporters don’t use forums like this. They almost never leave their respective bubbles. It’s the equivalent of screaming into the void. Republicans bad, Democrats good is one of the oldest forms of online circlejerking. It’s a complete waste of time and effort. Yes, they would likely handle the genocide as poorly or worse than Democrats have so far. If that’s your only point, you’re only bringing attention to something that everyone already knows. It’s so obvious that it doesn’t even need to be said.
The two mainstream political parties in the US exist on an extremely narrow spectrum. Both are neoliberal in philosophy and generally right of center economically. Only the Democrats lean left in social issues, but I find any support there to be completely nullified and undermined by their demented economic policies and rabid war hawking.
Democrats only want a little genocide, as a treat. Gee, I wonder why people don’t want to vote for that? Must be those darn Russian bots.
Don’t even get me started on Tom Clancy.
You’re allowed to use periods you know.
I have connected my TV to the Internet a few times just to update the firmware. Then I turned it right back off again. Not sure if this was actually a great call or not, but I couldn’t help myself. Probably should’ve checked to see if I could do it with a USB drive at least lol.
Sure, if they let your smelly ass get close enough to them.
How many 8 year old computers still function halfway decently? Most of those people are probably due for an upgrade whether they know it or not.
Even if we go with this popular narrative, no one is actually going to immediately run to throw out their working Win10 PC when Microsoft cuts off updates. They’ll just continue to use it insecurely. Just like millions of people did and still do with Win7.
This is the issue with using a proprietary operating system in general. Eventually they’ll cut you off arbitrarily because there’s a profit motive to do so. Relying on them to keep your system updated and secured indefinitely is a naive prospect to begin with.