I welcome my human counterparts
I welcome my human counterparts
Check out the current Luddite movement, this is their main complaint
This is such a bummer of comment on so many levels. It’s like the tragedy of the commons became sentiment and chose nihilism
Well, if you use credit cards that data gets tracked, stored, mined for years to come, not to mention the dozens of internet servers it took for you to buy that bread in the immediate. If you use cash, I’d assume some local authorities use extra AI to track your movements via cloud cameras (plus fiat isn’t fungible since it has serial numbers)
It would be nice to hear the “pro-[insert your local fiat]” energy use when people argue environmentalism against cryptocurrencies
Flushed out?
why not buy the album and then use it locally on your device? vlc runs pretty much everything and you could fit thousands of songs while offline (could even remove the gsm/wifi/bluetooth from a phone running some FOSS os and turn it into your offline media device). or just get a cd player for $1 at a thrift store, offline, private, full access
thrift stores sell albums for $1 and there are a few sites that sell new music to be downloaded for cheap
Hopefully the author explains how to use SSL/TLS since their site doesn’t :/