You can get POE(power over ethernet) cameras that dont require a separate power source. Closed circuit cameras are the only way to go.
Nationalize his business and sanction all his assets for aiding and abetting the enemy and working as a foreign agent against the US and our allies. Lock him up or deport his ass to Russia.
Any closed circuit security systems, ones that aren’t cloud based will come with an NVR (like a DVR) that hosts your recordings locally. Most are wired but some support wireless as well. Generally more expensive but in my opinion worth it.
My mom bought a simple setup for I think 3 or 400 dollars at Costco.
INAL but law enforcement can still request or subpoena your video if they suspect a crime has been witnessed by your cameras AFAIK. But at least you’ll know about it.
I’ve always thought that duplicate’s should be somehow grouped together in some way and not outright closed unless it truly is a true duplicate without that nuances. If questions that are similar can generate differing quality answers it would be beneficial. Then linked together as a group.
Wondering how/if this exploit would effect an OS with luks encryption? How could the arbitrary code compromise the encrypted volume? Could it be kept in memory and ran after volume decryption?
I don’t have any real understanding of how code executed before bootloader works or if it’s presistant after boot.
What about Hornblower’s, Bolger’s, Took’s, Sackville’s or Grubb’s?
We have lost control of our governance completely long ago. We let corporations become people while we became a product.