Same. Have a laptop with a touch screen for many years now and recently just disabled the feature because I never use it. There were like 3 occasions that I did and thought to myself “maybe for this it’s useful”.
Same. Have a laptop with a touch screen for many years now and recently just disabled the feature because I never use it. There were like 3 occasions that I did and thought to myself “maybe for this it’s useful”.
They are out there. I also have it around for those occasions. More common that you’d expect. Almost always some shitty site needed for work that has problems.
Welcome to capitalism 101.
Matrix leaks a ton of metadata and for normal users the clients are still very much in the sucking phase. Signal being centralized changes nothing about its security when the freaking servers can’t see anything about the messages. It literally is the most secure way to communicate out there, period.
I have a machine which has a much older installation. I’ve destroyed the pacman folder on the var partition accidentally which made my pacman stop working since it had no db and no idea of what packages were installed. I still managed to restore it with some weird scripts after that and is still working fine after like 2 years.
Arch is freaking resilient, but mostly because I didn’t want to reinstall since everything else is working xD
That could be a combination of something only you have or really just a bug unreported. I would recommend trying to open a bug report and maybe more people can chime in and help.
I’ve personally had a bunch of regressions and problems with some versions, but it’s been fixed for my specific devices. Got 2 codecs for input/mic I can choose and the others for sound output including ldac working nicely.
Just use a decently recent distro or update to pipewire (and recent kernel). Pulseaudio is basically not where the good things are done anymore. It’s been more than a year or 2 already that the sony phones have microphone working properly.
It is a hard moving bunch of pieces that needed to be in place. The user libraries (pulseaudio or pipewire) the bluez stack and the kernel. For a while things were almost working on the first parts but there were problems on the kernel side then the kernel received patches and it finally was able to support the good audio codec.
well it is simple, but you also gotta be competent as per the wiki :P
One thing a person learns quickly is to never ever under no circumsision open the comments on phoronix articles. Never. Even if you see a thing with lots of comments and you think “maybe there’s some good stuff this time there”, nope the fuck out.
At this point it should be obvious, btw
I’ll be here begging for a miserable 1 million to invest in some freaking trains and bicycle paths. Thanks.
It really is pretty great nowadays. I always had both my laptops with fractional scaling and currently it all seems to work very well, no more weird renderings anywhere. And a greater thing, I had a external screen I left unused for multiple years because it needed to be used with a different fractional scaling than the laptop it was connected and now it just works and I can finally use it. It’s nice. I don’t have hdr needs but color management seems to be properly in place now and the bugs I had previously with it are also gone - like it did something weird on some video recording app and some weird stuff with that thing that changes the color of the screen when it’s night - it all just works now.
For them to not exist and to stop it they need to be cleaned over regularly. Some countries had that figured out.
That’s reassuring. We all know that google is the best at user support.
And the type of HDR they support. I got lucky finding a philips a couple years ago that just supports all types so I don’t have to worry about it.
And it’s pretty wild when trying to scroll anything in public or with people nearby.
Kind cool to see a profitable company like that. I worked on a place that for years was burning millions of dollars every month in hopes of eventually making it work out 😄
Only 3/7 correct. It’s almost like you wanted to be wrong 😄
I’m more of a beer person myself.