I’d suggest they know growth of the platforms is waning, if not going backwards, but if they create a heap of bots and call them “active users” then the share price won’t go down. That’s the only reason I can think of.
I’d suggest they know growth of the platforms is waning, if not going backwards, but if they create a heap of bots and call them “active users” then the share price won’t go down. That’s the only reason I can think of.
Not that weird or hostile really, just a fair response to someone coming in and saying, “nah, this one” like an indecisive baby at a toy shop, with no reasoning or argument as to why their choice could be considered better.
Got it. It’s more to do with the case of an off-site backup in-case-your-house-burns-down scenario. Thanks.
RAID is not a backup anyhow
Can you expand on that? I have a 2-bay NAS with a RAID 1 (disk mirroring) set up precisely because I thought if one disk fails I have a backup. Is that not how it works?
I’m happy to pay a premium for convenience. Steam is a great product that saves me from having 20 different store-fronts clogging up my computer, most of which wouldn’t have proper Linux support. If developers don’t like Steam’s terms of use then don’t use it, and best of luck selling your game that nobody ever sees.
They have a concept of quitting.
Fuckn YAWN Everything has to be a franchise now doesn’t it? They already butchered The Hobbit by turning a short story into 9 hours of crap by padding out and blatantly making shit up. It’s not like all these “safe bets” the studios are making are paying out too well at the moment, so why not try taking some smaller risks with new and different projects? I’m sure Hollywood is flooded with people with original ideas and scripts that are being bypassed because Fast And Fuckaround 11tyone needs to be made because money.
Street Fighter was OK, wasn’t it? I’m asking because I haven’t seen it since I was a teenager and my sensibilities may have changed since then.
Check out the first Mario Bros movie (1993 I think?) if you want to feel your brain vomit out your ears. How they got to that story with the source material is anyone’s guess.
Or more noticably all the southern hemisphere penguins
No, no, no, it’s not Elon who’s out of touch. It’s the advertisers who are wrong! Just wait until all of Earth, apparently, hears of how these big mean advertisers killed the wondrous and righteous place named X. There will be outrage!.. so thinks Elon anyway. What a deluded moron.
Well… they used to at least :(
Australians wish! New Zealand tends to get things right.
He will, right after releasing Half Life 3.
You guys are awesome. I’m still a total noob at this so I’ve written a bash script to do the mount with all the vfs options I want (just so I don’t have to type it all out every time). One day I’ll figure out how to include it in fstab or systemd but for now it works. Thanks for the help!
“Installed Linux from the terminal” Can you expand on that a bit please?
You’re quite correct - not helpful at all.
I’m happy to be corrected, but my understanding is this all stems from a MegaLag video published a month ago. There would be no need for LegalEagle to republish all the claims and it understandably takes some time to file suit. In short, the info was already out there for everyone to see.