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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • That was how I felt about Blair Witch. Full disclosure, I don’t like horror to begin with, but to me the movie was about a group of people in the woods with a scary thing somewhere, and when they finally find the thing it ends.

    It’s like if Texas Chainsaw was about a bunch of teenagers who stood around while you hear a chainsaw running somewhere in the distance, the cuts to black right when the killer shows up.

  • I couldn’t watch it, not because it wasn’t good but because I was constantly getting unbelievably depressed about how accurately it mirrors the world today. Every scene had me thinking “this would be funny if it wasn’t exactly how it would actually pan out.” I think it might be hilarious a few decades after this all blows over but right now it hits way too close to home.

  • See, imo this is the exact kind of thinking that makes pedophilia dangerous. Most people would agree that being attracted to children is a mental illness. Most people would agree that mental illnesses should be treated by a knowledgeable professional. But pedophilia is so stigmatized that someone even admitting they have a problem, one I very much doubt most of them want to have, has people calling for them to be drawn and quartered, regardless of if they’ve ever actually hurt anyone.

    Do I like that there’s art and writing of people having fantasies about children? No, of course not. But making it impossible for people to have a safe outlet, to even talk about it with a medical professional for fear of imprisonment, death threats, or worse, makes it so these people can’t even get the help they need. It’s like teaching abstinence only sex ed. You’re trying to get people to stop having fantasies by burying them, but it only exacerbates the issue.

    Edit: lol got your downvote less than five minutes in and the whole comment edited to just say “pedophiles bad.” I guess I, as you like to put it, “hit a nerve.”

  • It’s a show called Mystery Science Theater 3000. It’s about someone stuck in space by evil scientists and forced to watch bad movies with his robot companions (played by puppets). The show is made up mostly of them watching the movie with only their silhouettes in the bottom of the screen as they make fun of the movie, like in the comic, with occasional segments where they leave the theater and usually do some kind of skit related to the film.

    It’s kinda corny but it’s a fun show. They have a channel on YouTube where they upload some of the episodes and play others live, and an app where you can watch most of them ad-free.