There is not much of a difference
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There is not much of a difference
It’s the other way around. 0.1 kWh means 0.1 kW times 1 h. So if your device draws 0.1 kW (100 W) of power for an hour, it consumes 0.1 kWh of energy. If your device factory draws 360 000 W for a second, it consumes the same amount of 0.1 kWh of energy.
I’m likely to rebuild the backend in Go
Why bother with another language? Rust offers multiple great backend options. Using the same language for both ends might allow reusing some parts.
That depends on where you live. In many parts of the world, software patents don’t exist and aren’t applied.
# apt apt install
E: Invalid operation apt
To get a TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt, they need to verify that you are in control of your domain. For regular domains, this can be done via HTTP, for wildcard certificates they require you to create a DNS record with a special token to verify ownership of the domain.
This means that in order to automatically obtain a TLS certificate, caddy needs to interact with the API of your domain registrar to set up this record. Since there are many different providers, this isn’t built into caddy itself and you require a version that includes the corresponding caddy-dns module. Caddy modules need to compiled into the binary, so it’s not always trivial to set up (in my case I have a systemd timer that rebuilds a local container image whenever a new version of the image is available).
Caddy automatically sets up certificates for you. Since I don’t want my subdomain to appear in certificate transparency logs, I use a wildcard certificate which requires using a plugin for my DNS provider.
A reverse proxy, in my case Caddy.
I would prefer manually writing each software using butterflies over having snapd
installed on my system.
I never heard of Cozy, but it looks quite nice. The Self-Hosting Documentation ist a bit lacking, but contains all required information to set it it up yourself.
I originally used Nextcloud, but it has a lot of features not related to file hosting
Cozy seems to be in a similar situation, where file storage is just one of many features that it provides. If you want just files, it might be the best idea to just use any WebDAV Server or something like File Browser.
By providing a modified bitmap to the X.Org Server, a heap-based buffer overflow privilege escalation can occur.
Maybe we should stop writing security critical software in memory unsafe languages. I now this vulnerability was introduced a long time ago, but given that major Wayland compositors are still written in C, something like this isn’t too unlikely to happen again.
Unlike X11, Wayland was never intended to be network transparent. As others say, solutions like waypipe and more tradionally RDP and VNC exist.
It supports any ONVIF compatible IP camera as well as USB cameras and the raspberry pi camera module
MotionEye used to be the go-to solution.
I am not sure about the current state of the project (the python 2/3 transition took a long while, there are only pre-releases using a modern python version).
It think this comment explains it really well:
I don’t like it. He is just perpetuating the endless stereotypes that plague linux and harm linux adoption.
If you are using a somewhat stable distro and don’t have weird hardware, you don’t need to “write your own driver” etc. A lot more people “punch themselves in the face” by using a buggy, ad infested, data harvesting operating system even though they just need a web browser.
Thanks for the explanation
I don’t know moonlight and don’t know what you mean by “certain typed documents”, but AFAIK, OSMC is just Raspbian with some additional stuff. What I am saying is that media playback works just fine performance-wise for some media formats.
I run OSMC on a Pi 4 and it plays h.265 & h.264 videos at 1080p and h.262 at 576p just fine.