A lot of creators were tricked into that. The problematic part was that they realized the issue and completely went silent about the issue instead of raising awareness of the scam. Alerting about that fact would have been a great tech tip.
A lot of creators were tricked into that. The problematic part was that they realized the issue and completely went silent about the issue instead of raising awareness of the scam. Alerting about that fact would have been a great tech tip.
I might be in a minority of this, but using numbers that way breaks my flow for 2 reasons: Firstly, any number of lines greater than around 3 or 4 means I have to stop and manually count. Not that counting to 6 takes a long time, but it does use some mental capacity while I want my mind focused on the actual code. Secondly, I don’t have touch typing in my fingers for the number line on my keyboard. If I need to type a number, I either have to look down at my keyboard, or move my hand over to the numpad. In both cases it would be quicker for me to Vjjjjjy
It must have been a mix-up between “component name” and “how to install”.
This just adds to the joke, right? 1st world problems being problems which would be wildly undermined if compared to other’s problems.
The dog seems to know when she needs to take me for a walk. She’s usually right about that stuff.
All of their thumbnails are unfortunately click-baity. They spoke about ut in an older video. Apparently, the click-baity images drive too much traffic for them to justify something more subtle.
Or you could replace most of the whitespace with repeating semicolons. Makes the code much clearer!
The real answer would be “don’t”. Have a decent whitelist dor training data with reliable data. Don’t just add every orifice of the internet (like reddit) to the training data. Limitations would be good in this case.
“Have you invested in crypto?”
Do you think anyone anywhere will misunderstand this as investing in cryptographic research/development?
The mainstream usage of the word isn’t always aligned with what is good for society or even the original usage of the word.
I might be the dumb one in this one, but HR asked me if I know “design patterns”.
“I mean, yes, I know some design patterns. Any specific?”
“No, just if you are familiar with design patterns.”
“I mean, there are builder, strategy, sigleton, factory etc. Is the question really not more specific?”
“My paper just asks if the dev is familiar with design patterns.”
“Ok. Yes.”
You know how the sun radiates an incredible amount of power through millions and millions of tonnes of material undergoing nuclear fusion every minute, and the sun is expected to last for millions of years?
Well, not that much. But it’s still a lot!
deleted by creator
Its a nice idea which probably has a lot of complex implications. It would probably be a huge pain to figure out dimensions and compatible electric motors for every brand of non-electric vehicle, so the production of replacements would become very wide. Typically, the battery of an EV isn’t just a brick in the engine room, but it’s a whole range of cells along the length of the vehicle. Using the same space as the combustion engine might leave you with a vehicle with terrible range. Also, the safety of a car takes the engine into account. Replacing a combustion engine with an electrical engine would likely require a whole new safety overview for each individual model.
I honestly really hope that your suggestion would work, but I’m not expecting to see this becoming a wide solution before EVs dominate the market anyway.
We need the incrementally more eco-friendly options as well. Most pickup truck driving office workers won’t suddenly get a bike and change their ways, so a more eco friendly personal vehicle is probably a lot more likely to reduce emissions for that demography.
One of the typical arguments is selling ancestry history to insurance companies, effectively handing them health data which could lead to up-pricing or rejections for customers with bad health history.
Absolutely, that may be important. LTT were only aware of the extension screwing over the creators, not that the customers were also getting screwed.