I hadn’t either but tbf most people hadn’t heard of the fediverse until that Reddit thing. In this case the entirety of Wikipedia could along with an exodus, should one be warranted
I hadn’t either but tbf most people hadn’t heard of the fediverse until that Reddit thing. In this case the entirety of Wikipedia could along with an exodus, should one be warranted
Pretty sure special agents already know how to do this (or is that what a special agent would say?)
100 percent on that
I appreciate the input! I admit to a knee jerk wariness of ReMarkable due to their pervasive advertising on Facebook back when. Ada on there are like a modern equivalent of As Seen On Tv
Kobo seems to consistently get positive comments in forums oth
Yeah that sells well for me too. I like that flexibility
Which model?
Anyone have thoughts between Kobo and Boox or ReMarkable?
I appreciate this measured take. Whenever generational differences get brought up, they oftentimes seemed framed as if generations are biologically different creatures or willfully choosing to be stupid in some sector. In all, or at least must cases, it’s what you suggest: people responding and developing based on what the environment has presented them.
Excellent list. I was wondering if BG3 was too obvious a suggestion, but it fits the bill, right?
Edit: maybe some of the Yakuza games would work?
I hope you are right!
There’s gotta be another way of understanding the world that isn’t impeded by facts. I thought we lived in a democracy??
Crap. If I hope this doesn’t mean motion sickness inducing shaky cam filming
What is scene music?
Are there currently any viable examples of this out there? “Viable” in this case meaning you can find stuff on there and it’s easy to set up, I guess
Kindred spirits! I log ‘to check out’ lists and call it a day
Dang. Take the hint, Terminator
Well that’s a happy note on which to end this day
(Well written though, thank you)
That’s a cool model, at least at first glance
It’s an interesting, useful analogy. My concern is that, like with nature, many fear the wild. The moment a rewilding of the internet might lead to a negative event, people would run and beg for the reinstament of walled gardens
Oh man, I wish we had that, paying a few pennies per article. Way prefer that to an ad
Maximum Overdrive v2.0