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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2023

  • Ummm was weather foresting not always done using probalistic interference models, i.e AI?

    Weather forecasts have recently felt like they’ve been less accurate, i.e. you maybe get a good level of confidence for a day, but two days and it might be completely different. This makes sense given the climate is changing and previous models wont fit as well…

    Are LLMs going to consume search data for raincoats and air-conditioning to improve the weather forecast. Clearly time to invest in AI now, the revolution is here!

  • How do you know what’s it supposed to do, if no one actually wrote that down, other than

    As a person.
    I would like it to work
    So i can do the things.

    To be fair, at least that’s something…

    Or maybe for testing the documentation is the code. The code does this, write a test that accepts it does this.

    I like the concept of describing things in scenarios and having data objects embedded in the scenarios. I think gherkin if a bit too restrictive, the same way user stories are, but a more natural verbose scenario that was parameterised with variables tied to actual data makes it explicit what is supposed to happen and what data the system will consume, create or manipulate.

    E: there is of course other types of documentation available

  • Well, what I seen this image as was the classic divide and conquer strategy of the capitalist classes against the working class and/or arbitrary race category to enable them to control and/or murder at will.

    However, this image is actually a complete gas lighting exercise in using toxic characteristics from capitalism to describe communism. I didn’t notice the hammer and sickle, which to be fair makes no fucking sense…

    The relevance to the above post was really trying to play on

    “The Production of too many useful things results in too many useless people”

    which I take as a satirical poke at the deficiencies of capitalism, although it’s of unknown origin as far as I know…

    If automation does reach a point where labour isn’t needed, then it may well encourage the likes of Murdoch et al to intensify the encouragement of class war.

    Sorry, I clearly don’t pay enough attention to the shit I post :(

  • They’ll have modelled the acoustic signals to differentiate between different keys. Individual acoustic waves eminating from pressing a key will have features extracted from them to identify them. Opimal featues are then choose to maximise accuracy, such as features that still work when the signal is captured at different distances or angles. With all these types of singsl processing inference models, you never get 100 percent. The claim of 95 percent is actually very high.