I’ve been thinking of a few prominent people in real life who should be visited by three ghosts. What if we woke up on Christmas and all of the sudden Trump and Musk weren’t selfish and evil?
I’ve been thinking of a few prominent people in real life who should be visited by three ghosts. What if we woke up on Christmas and all of the sudden Trump and Musk weren’t selfish and evil?
Hey vocal.media why not proofread your articles a little better? The first letter is a typo, never seen that before.
Un an interview that’s got everyone talking, Robert Downey Jr has finally addressed the elephant in the room; those persistent comparisons between Elon Musk and the character Tony Stark.
I’m guessing this because the current investigation is happening under Biden and she is likely to have similar basic antitrust goals for DOJ.
I’m certain that it won’t happen if Trump is elected because he’s anti-regulation in general and specifically he’s extremely corrupt and easily bribed.
It might happen if Harris wins
This is familiar to all devs, not just game devs
And unlike any other TV in your life, the Vision Pro can literally DRM your eyes — if you’re watching a movie in the Apple TV app or Disney Plus and go to take a screen capture, the content blacks out. It’s strange to experience a reality where big companies can block you from capturing what you see, even if all you’re trying to do is show people how cool it looks in a review. You can get around DRM screenshots on an iPhone by just taking a photo of the screen, but there’s no such off-ramp for the Vision Pro.
Hey, I found the reason why I would never never never ever buy something like this. It’s going to be the Black Mirror episode that forces you to watch ads.
Especially since they sell brand new printers for the price of about 3 ink cartridges.
Yeah I really don’t know what a fair price for streaming is. They can charge what they want and I’ll pay if I think it’s worth it.
My current pattern is to keep one or two streaming services at a time and when I run out of shows I drop one and add a different one.
People are disappointed though that the service used to be a much better value. It’s like most things that start out good and become “enshittified” as the service provider tries to extract more and more profit.