you mean dry ramen, right?
you mean dry ramen, right?
wasnt that debunked as fake? legit question, I dont really follow this game
Josh does mostly stress testing though
because of the style and lyrics about service etc
eh, I dont mind those, they are just getters and setters
wait what? first time Im hearing about this
Linus does this well enough on his own, he doesnt need help
where does it mention iphones on that page? am I just blind?
any content you produce is automatically copyrighted
currently the battery only lasts 30-4min, so no colonpscopy just yet
the fact that I watched this clearly indicates that I am getting old lol
protobuf does all of these (well, except compression which you dont need)
looking at you x3
and rimworld
most ddos use privat pcs controlled through a botnet
wtf is shifting?
oh right I forgot about the poop and pee throwables lmao
huh? explain