The funniest thing is that the final stage of unbound capitalism means no estate and then, when they need help there will be nobody to save them.
Is Tesla selling their fully autonomous driving cars yet?
A promise from Melon means nothing.
Farewell and fuck off
This is the correct way IMO. “Uploading” your mind to a computer is making a clone/copy, but the original dies the same.
And if the targets are from the US? UK? Ukraine? France? What then? Still good? An attack to kill every US general but with hundreds of civilians wounded or killed?
So you support turning people into suicide bombers without them knowing it. What if the ones with the bomb were from your country? Remember that civilians were hurt too.
To show how dumb is that argument. “My ancestors from 2000 years ago lived there, therefore this land is mine” is as dumb as “my grandmother lived there, therefore this house is mine”. With the same reasoning, Italy could claim all the Mediterranean coast belongs to them. And if it’s from “God gave us this land”, Spain and Portugal divided the Earth (except Europe) for them “because God”. Does this mean Spain and Portugal can claim “their land” back?
I said grandmother to show an example that can’t be used with the “but it’s an historical thing”.
Then what right have the Israelis to carpet bomb Palestine?
That thinking is like believing you have the right to expel the people that lives in the house your grandmother lived on but left when she got married. But now the house is yours because “here lived my family”.
One state with all citizens as first class ones.
Two States mean there will be always a frontier and the hate and grudge will never disappear.
Now imagine a civil war happens in the US and the only places spared are the Indian reservations. And when the war ends, with the army, the air force, the national guard, … all destroyed, the Indians start spreading their territory bombing the remnants of the US, with some help from Russia or China or…
Will you find the Indians have the right to carpet bomb NY or Dallas because they lived there 2 or 3 centuries ago?
But if you connect your phone to the android box then the TV could use the phone to send the screenshots.
TV->android box->phone->internet.
Now it seems the way is unique_ptr and shared_ptr. And std::any to replace void*. At least is what it seems to me.
That’s something I don’t get about doing things in a language that is not meant to be used for that (like JS for something other than web).
Next time, Vin Diesel as MLK.
Maybe you could find if all those homeless are from California or from other state. It could be a surprise that other states took their homeless and gave them a ticket to San Francisco.
Every 30 days but you have to call home or have a degraded experience.
Except everything is related to politics. The price of the bread is politics. The roads made, politics too. Having to pay the doctor or not, politics.
Politics is not “what the politicians do”. It’s “affairs of the cities”, from Ancient Greek πολιτικά (politiká). And everything that affects more than one person is an “affair of the cities”.