I thought they had successfully converted around the time they got the infusion of funds from MS. I thought they were started as a not-for-profit, but were already shady-as-shit when they stopped publishing stuff under open licenses.
I’m also on Mastodon as https://hachyderm.io/@BoydStephenSmithJr .
I thought they had successfully converted around the time they got the infusion of funds from MS. I thought they were started as a not-for-profit, but were already shady-as-shit when they stopped publishing stuff under open licenses.
I just want a version that supports multiplayer on Linux. I wasn’t able to experience the writing disaster that was BL3. Been stuck in single player on BL2 or the pre-sequel for years.
That rate seems high. But, I have done post-mortems on a bad developer’s run at a company, and found they did very nearly nothing. No commits, no issues opened or closed, some comments, but that was almost their entire digital footprint.
Most developers I’ve worked with are obviously not doing nothing, though some of us (including myself) get stuck doing a lot of work on a project that never makes it into production due to shifting priorities.
KFC / Pizza Hut / Taco Bell – the only restaurant you need!
At very least there’s an OCX for InteractiveHtmlView or some stuff. It’s how South Korean banks apps run. I think even the EU-specific “unbundled IE” versions still have that ActiveX / OLE control registered, though it might be crippled.
Although, he admits in the video to “faking” his footage of it working, by using a off-camera heat source. (His batteries were quite dead.)
But, as someone that lived through this time, they did work, as long as you pressed hard enough in the right places. It was hard to tell if the battery was dead or if you weren’t pressing hard enough
The whole reason I got on YT Premium was because it was free with Google Play Music. I have real issues watch non-Premiun now, because I’ve always disliked advertising methods. (Not so much th ads, which can be entertaining, but just being shown content I didn’t request instead of the content I did request.)
Too redundant, just use S-exprs.
(Mostly joking, but in some cases…)
Some people hate it, including some independent developers. I wouldn’t mind going without it, if there was a Free Software library management alternative. I want something to track what I have installed (because I’ve “lost” things and reinstalled them before) and something that has a decent uninstall.
I also get some benefit from the store integration, but I can understand developers being annoyed at the 30% “steam tax”. I’d gladly purchase using some other method, if I didn’t have to sacrifice library functions from previous paragraph.
It’s an argument against a license that permits relicensing under a more restrictive license. (E.g. BSD)
I read a story of someone that contributed to a BSD project, including fixes over some period of time, but later they ended up having to use a proprietary UNIX for work, that included their code, in a an intermediate, buggy state, but they were legally forbidden from applying their own bug fixes!
At the very least the GPL guarantees that if I am ever downstream of myself, I has fix my own damn mistakes and don’t have to suffer them.
I am still willing to contribute to BSD stuff, but vastly prefer something like the AGPLv3.
It’s been a LONG time since I tried, but ISTR it complaining that it couldn’t move the old_root because it was in use? But, when I’d fuser it, the only think that was using it was my shell (using it as the current directory).
I, too, want something to replace Google Maps inside Android Auto, which is the main place I use it. I like live re-routes around traffic.
Did you try Organic Maps?
I’ve never gotten pivot_root to work well / as documented. Major props for being able to pull this off. Hopefully you didn’t have much time where a connection-drop would require a reboot. SSH in the new root on an alternate port before the pivot? idk.
Given that some films are getting post-release edits before they appear on streaming or physical media, it might be a good idea just from an archival perspective.
I’m not a good judge of piracy methods for consumption, as I am currently willing to pay their prices or do without.
Might check out the Haskell layout rules.
Basically, when you leave out the ‘{’ then Haskell uses your intendation to insert ‘;}’ on later lines between the leading whitespace and the first token.
There some really old Haskell code out there that lines up the ‘{;}’ characters on the left under block-introduction keywords.
The other suggestions are probably better, but you can technically self-host Wire (from Wire Gmbh) but I’ve never done it successfully.
The academy has been using the term “AI” for a while now for things that are much less sophisticated than the current/popular generation of media generators. I took an “Artificial Intelligence” class as part of my undergrad around the turn of the century.
It is confusing though, since sentience and intelligence are synonyms in the right context, but no AI has shown any good evidence of being a non-human sentient being.
When MS was pushing the Bing challenge with TV ads, it really was quite close. I did the challenge and Google “won” (only) 3/5 of my test searches.
Of course Bing already had a hilariously incorrect “AI” interfering with the first page of results for a week or two before Google decided to further fsck up their search with LLM response generation.
I’m late and this will get buried, but this really speaks to the difference between the open source / ESR / OSI ideology and the free software / RMS / GNU ideology.
Open source ideology says it is better because it produces better software. If MacOS X was closed source and better it serves as a repudiation of that ideology.
Free software ideology says it is better because denying users any of the four freedoms is an immoral act. If MacOS X was proprietary software and better, it would still be immoral to deny users their freedoms; the ideology is not impacted.