This happened almost 5 years ago. Question is, has piracy boomed since?
This happened almost 5 years ago. Question is, has piracy boomed since?
Lol at least it wasn’t like that time they tried to sue people in Australia for that reason, because Nintendo forgot about time zones…
It’s also Hilario that they’d sue somebody for free advertising of their game. Must be a shit title if they don’t want people to see it…
Sooo it’s a honeypot now?
Implying they have their own emulator and it’s not just running retroarch or something
uBlock, Revanced, and yt-dlp still 100% free lol
Content creators need to consider looking into alternative platforms though. Seems like YouTube is hellbent on self destruction.
Shucks… Maybe if the college didn’t rob the students blind on tuition, and the publishers not rob the students blind on books, maybe they could afford to pay for software licenses. 🤷♂️
If the publishers win, I hope every book they publish as long as they exist gets torrented into oblivion leading authors to ditch them in favour of self publishing
Right? This dude was probably just hosting all of the content that the platforms removed over the years lol
It really just seems like it proves that the applicant is able to work in an environment where everything is already pre-installed and running with no need to learn basic troubleshooting, and that they were able to sit through a few years of focusing on specific aspects of a textbook and writing incredibly mundane programs… and quite possibly lack the ability to learn on their own and think outside of the box…
Interviews and testing seem like they would be a far better way to vet applicants
I don’t even get postsecondary for a good chunk of areas… Like computer programming, for example. Why would anybody need a degree that says “I don’t know how to read textbooks, use Google, and learn in my own”? I’m sure there are lots of degrees just like that
So glad I left the publishing industry. I went in with a lot of respect many years ago, but it was so gross. All about how much money could be milked from students. Accuracy of information was in second or third place of importance
How do I copyright myself and I every last bit of content that I create?
It’s more the fact that actual crimes can be nullified by a statute of limitations, but shit like this doesn’t seem to have any expiration date
Somebody should tell Nintendo that a bunch of their games are available from the Switch NES app. Maybe they’ll she themselves out of existence and we can finally enjoy their games in peace
VIMM’s Lair has been around for ages… If Nintendo really cared why didn’t they do something around, say, 2002? 🤔
Why is there no statute of limitations on this kinda bullshit?
They get it. Looks at all these “influencers” getting shit they don’t need for free all the time to spread word.
Piracy is basically the same thing, but it’s somebody getting something they do need/want and giving it honest word-of-mouth promotion
What they should do is properly DMCA - then the copyright trolls would be out an extensive amount of money, but no they’ll keep on using this completely broke system because the billion dollar major licensing companies aren’t negatively affected by any of it.
Hmm, need to figure out how I can trace my lineage back to the first recorded musician so that I can trademark some chords then go after every record label to have ever existed.
Then I’ll try to track down the first ever written script so I can go after the movie industry next
I’d love to download all the shit that’s been pulled off Netflix since I’ve been a customer.
They pulled their content,
thus they don’t want my money,
thus there should be 0 qualms in me re-acquiring their content.