Psychiatry could learn a lot…
Does it ever bother you that this place is full of nitwits and trolls, many of whom make Reddit seem civilized and well-managed by comparison?
Yeah, me neither.
Psychiatry could learn a lot…
Yeah, I’m sure these toy guns are the real reasons shooting sprees are routine in the US
What a weird overtone of moral outrage this has, considering your comments. But admittedly, the user reviews are fucking gold as a non-American.
Winning is relative, they can’t stop distribution if the creators are careful about it.
If magnets, then there’s less info in the link itself (compared to a .torrent) and that needs to be located. If availability is shit, that will be hard/impossible.
“I shouldn’t have to use permissions or sudo, just all root all the time”
On the other hand: HTTPS
Even for the internet, this place is truly extremely fond of doing that.
New Vegas is notable for not being a Bethesda game per se. It uses something very close to the Fallout 3 engine, but the actual content has little to do with Bethesda. They did publish it, though.
Lmao. They are basically speedrunning enshittification% at this point.
Who’d’a thunk a bunch of angry (self-styled-)commie trolls who got punted off Reddit and decided to make their own, with Marxist blackjack and Marxister hookers, would eventually deteriorate into this shit.