That’s irrelevant. The study showed that people were in better mental health and the reason why he said it was because they were doing fulfilling hobbies is probably because they told the researchers that’s what they did instead.
That’s irrelevant. The study showed that people were in better mental health and the reason why he said it was because they were doing fulfilling hobbies is probably because they told the researchers that’s what they did instead.
Bruv real libraries will let you download books for free
I don’t think single party technically would cover that. The neighbors would have to be involved in the interaction to give themselves permission to record it.
I freaking love old time radio, that stuff is great!
I really like Mysterium. It’s kinda cooperative, but players also work independently. The premise is that one player is a ghost, and the rest of the players are psychic detectives who have their own vision of how the murder happened. The ghost gives out clues using surreal, dream-like cards for the psychics to figure out their personal guess on what the weapon, location and murderer was. At the end the ghost gives clues to which psychic was right.
I personally like it because it isn’t just logic and strategic thinking, you have to use your creative/artistic part of your brain as well, if not moreso.
I heard that too
Can we get whomever wrote Handsome Jack to get in charge? 2 was so great because they landed into the humor and fun of the first one instead of shying away from it.
From what I learned the problem is they don’t put it back in the river, it’s just in the coolant systems and stays there. And they won’t disclose how much they are actually using.
Ok but it kinda is though