There’s a whole trilogy with Skyline, and a fourth this year
There’s a whole trilogy with Skyline, and a fourth this year
That’s absolutely not true. They have your face which they can put a name on, they know which checkout you went to and everything you bought, if it’s on sale or not, if it’s within your usual purchase baseline, etc etc, all of which goes into their tracking system.
I love OP4, I led a clan for a couple years that played on OP4 servers
Turn off the servers
Dangerous to their bottom line
Easy, domestic auto producers bribe politicians to make it illegal for foreign automakers to compete in the US because if it were alllowed, domestic automakers would get destroyed.
The pandemic exposed the lie that ISPs need to cap data because of infrastructure limitations. We all went to WFH with no issues on the infrastructure.
Sounds like lawsuit territory