That’s a really fair point. Part of the draw of the Mad Max films is the insane action and chase sequences. It just hits different with live action. It would be tough to pull off that same level of awe inducing spectacle in an animated film.
That’s a really fair point. Part of the draw of the Mad Max films is the insane action and chase sequences. It just hits different with live action. It would be tough to pull off that same level of awe inducing spectacle in an animated film.
I read that Furiosa flopped so that might have something to do with it. Also everyone involved is ten years older now than they were when Fury Road was made so there is that to consider as well. I say give us a few animated Mad Max movies and revisit the live action stuff in 20 years. I’d be happy with that.
If I truly felt a company, or someone at the company, cared for me and my career I’d have no problem putting in the extra effort. Unfortunately it is a rare occurrence and most of the time decisions are revenue/cash flow related and it doesn’t matter how much a company cares. At the end of the day, no matter how good things are where you work, it’ll always come down to the bottom line and what value you provide vs what you are costing the company.
I’ve been practicing the mercenary method for about 5 years now. Since then I’ve significantly increased my salary and I’ve been a lot happier at work. That on top of learning to say “no” has improved my career life exponentially. NO loyalty. No unpaid overtime. No going above and beyond for a company that isn’t going to return the favor.
Damnit… here take my money.