Definitely, here’s hoping the accountability question will prevent that, but the incentive is there, especially in systems with for-profit healthcare.
Some weird, German communist, hello. He/him pronouns and all that. Obsessed with philosophy and history, secondarily obsessed with video games as a cultural medium. Also somewhat able to program.
Definitely, here’s hoping the accountability question will prevent that, but the incentive is there, especially in systems with for-profit healthcare.
Even if it were to do pattern recognition as well as or slightly worse than a human, it’s still worthwhile. As the article points out: It’s basically a non-tiring, always-ready second opinion. That alone helps a lot.
Wait until you learn about the even bigger ones:
Nice to see! Baby steps and all that. Getting RISC-V to a consumer-level state is still a pretty gargantuan task that has a lot of catch-up to do, but it’s walking along its path steadily.
Yeah, that was clearly just the group having fun, sounds like it might have been some kind of in-joke. Stuff like keygen music and adding extra fun stuff to your cracks has always been part of the culture. For the most part, while I’m not saying there is zero risk, but as long as it’s from verified groups with good reputation, your pirated software will be safe to use - also part of the culture.
Just another case of a small, unknown competitor trying to gain market share with the supreme life simulator sandbox CK3, smh frfr
Basically this, but usually the best ideas come to me during smoke breaks instead. (Still trying to kick that addiction, don’t smoke, kids, I’ve managed to get rid of alcohol and other drugs I experimented with in the past, nicotine just won’t fucking stop with the fucking urges, even when you manage to “quit” for months at a time.)
“If the RIAA sued hell, I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.”
You’ve got a great point there, actually
That’s what I suspect, too, but I’m not entirely sure in my research so far. The question I am still unsure about: Is it as costly in running, or is the real costly part “just” the “training our model” part? I wondered that, because when I was messing around, things like generative text models could run on my potato PC with a bit of python scripting without too much issue, even if not ideally - as long as I had the already trained dataset downloaded.
I think it will hinge on one thing: Will AI provide an experience that is maybe worse, but still sufficient to keep the market share, at lower cost than putting in the proper effort? If so, it might still become a tragic “success”-story.
Ah, sad, thank you for researching! Here’s hoping it will come back in some form.
Fun fact: The designer almost went with “Cool Centrist Clicker”, they have a devlog about it.
Oooh, wait, that isn’t how it works in other programs? I really like that behaviour in GIMP to be perfectly honest, have used it in editing stuff deliberately.
For its time, it was a real classic, and it still has a lot of good elements (English localization is lackluster though, from what I heard.) Back when it was new, I remember all my friends playing it here in Germany.
If you enjoy an open world RPG with a very immersive, believable world, that has basically every character with schedules, motivations and personality, this still delivers more than even most modern games. Controls are… from a time when control schemes weren’t yet standardized and fully figured out. And combat, while appearing like an action-RPG, is actually above all stats-based, armor and weapons being the most important things to unlock content.
But overall, I’d recommend Gothic 2 more, it’s basically “the same but better and more”. It’s definitely worth a look to anyone interested in retro RPGs .
Hey, just be glad I changed it from asdf_test_3, okay?
It’s pretty telling a platform like YouTube really only gets fully enjoyable with an adblocker, sponsorblock and this. I wish PeerTube had a lot of good creators, but last time I checked (years ago, admittedly) it was mostly conspiracy theorists and cryptobros.
Something good keeps getting better, thank you all for your work!