Gravity and Inertia are harsh mistresses.
Gravity and Inertia are harsh mistresses.
It takes a certain level psychopathy and/or sociopathy to be really successful in business. You have to be willing to do truly horrible and despicable things in order to make shit tons of money.
Porque no los dos?
It’s possible that both can exist.
I have had depression and anxiety for my entire life. I was treated for both. Then I found out I had ADHD and am on the autism spectrum. Guess what having those and being untreated can cause? Depression and anxiety(amongst others). This doesn’t mean that everyone who has anxiety and depression have ADHD and autism. The brain and the mind are highly complex things and very, very often after multiple paths to the same thing.
It only mentions ring 0 access in your link, ergo they responded to your post because it was the most appropriate. At least that’s how I see it.
Did they change it? Because now it says “Allows Deep, Virtually Unfixable Infections” and that seems to say exactly what you are.
That is not what is being discussed and was never being discussed. You’re sounding like you’re being pedantic to try to pick a fight
They used that part of the 13th that said “Well, except prisoners, those can be slaves.” Local law enforcement rounded up former slaves on trumped up charges and leased them back to the same plantation owners they were freed from. Only now if they escaped they were “escaped criminals” and they could count on even northern law enforcement returning them. The US is still a pro-slavery country and will be as long as that part of the 13th amendment stands.