I would love to say this is going to flop, but in the States people pay $1k for telephones and $600+ for consoles and then pay a monthly fee to then use those devices.
I would love to say this is going to flop, but in the States people pay $1k for telephones and $600+ for consoles and then pay a monthly fee to then use those devices.
I would love to say this is going to flop, but in the States people pay $1k for telephones and $600+ for consoles and then pay a monthly fee to then use those devices.
Standard in 2008 If the auto manufacturer offered OnStar or Sirius, earlier.
I wish it wasn’t true, and I definitely feel like a nut job when I bring it up.
GM’s OnStar, I believe, was just EDS’s tech at the time of their rollout in '96ish
Originally the D.A.I.R. project (Driver Aid, Information and Routing) was conceptualized in the 60’s. It wasn’t until Hughes assisted EDS in the 90’s that they were able to create a beacon that could communicate via Satellite and Cellular.
I myself didn’t realize this was a thing until about a decade ago when I was trying to create an automation for my lights to turn on when I pulled into my driveway. I kept getting a ping about 5min after my phone connected to my WiFi. The MAC matched nothing I had in the house, I just blew it off.
When an associate stopped by to work on a HoneyPot project we started seeing a bunch of random MACs attempt to connect to the open wifi, we wrote that noise off as people walking by my house and their cell phones were just trying to connect. It wasn’t until the garbage man showed up and stopped to talk to me that I was able to find his truck listed with an address connected to the open wifi, sent a few packets, then left. We made the correlation that the MAC’s could be from cars so we started researching the manufacturer of those device MAC’s
That pretty much opened a weird rabbit hole leading us to find out that almost every car has been tracked since the mid-90’s.
Joking aside, I would move to Amish country if it weren’t for the whiskey and bitches. But in all honesty; my family lives a much more comfortable life than I ever imagined I would with working in the IT field.
GPS had been implemented in vehicles in the 90’s. Most people are now finding out about the modems.
I don’t think enough people have mentioned that Auto manufacturers have been able to locate vehicles since the 90’s.
thank you for the visual representation ☺️
CoPilot with Gemini plugin did.
I wasn’t raised with cable so TV isn’t my thing, but I was fortunate enough to live by a $1 theatre and watch all kind of movies in a theatre, I’m just gonna go back to that. Once I find a dollar theatre.
I miss the old Netflix, where discs would come to my house.
I’ve been trying to wrap my head around a decentralized git so I can release a pokemon rom hack.
Linus gets that this is a joke, just like Windows.
Best part. Once it returned errors… I almost cried.
Pilot shortage? I know more unemployed pilots that tech workers.
Haha… many other developed countries.
What??? I’m way out of the loop.