There was no meaningful point made, just a bad faith demand in defense of corporations.
it makes them seem all the more credible…
To a credulous rube like yourself, sure. Keep licking that boot! Maybe one day you can wear it!
Can we be honest about this
Saying “can we be honest” isn’t a magic spell that transmutes your opinion to fact.
patently dishonest ignore that he was effectively breaking and entering, plus installing a data harvesting device in the server room, which any organization in the world would rightfully identity as a hostile.
You sure about that, or are you hypothesizing?
Because they’re corporate bootlickers, paid or otherwise.
Look at the people that participate in “Hacker News.”
The hackers are mostly not okay. Fucking bootlickers.
It’s even worse when some rage filled manchild posts rage in the chat and then adds the obligatory “gg.”
They’re so amazingly dogmatic, too. There’s this subtext belief that Nintendo’s business decisions are somehow profoundly and uniquely wise, such as the claim that there can’t be a new F-Zero game because “there’s no conceivable way to make it different each time, which is a Nintendo™® mandate” as if it wouldn’t be enough to add weapons to the vehicles, customization/performance modifications, power allocation, outright flying or even space segments, or even out-of-the-car gameplay.
Nope. Just the “make it different each time” of the Zelda plot rehashes forever and ever.
Or, make it “different each time” by making it janky in a way most people don’t like, like Star Fox Zero which was also a plot rehash, and then shelve the franchise because people didn’t like it. Nintendo is that infallible!
“And what games you can buy will be bundled with Ice Climbers. Always with Ice Climbers.”
broke and evil
Where do I even start with that kind of ghoulish bootlickery?
The hopes, dreams, and aspirations of generations of creative people getting exploited, overworked, and underpaid because they were willing to put up with that all to chase those hopes, dreams, and aspirations, all eventually got crushed in the corpo mill, only to be replaced by the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of the next successive wave of creative people, was always working as intended.
Updated for the 21st century: a status quo enforcer with police and presidential loyalty ties that really likes neon and having sex with people that like neon while maintaining the status quo in a way that makes them a Legend of Night City™.
A potential campaign without yet more tiresome “original IP do not steal” underdark/illithid rehashes!
That shit was old and boring to me since the 90s!
I’m less cynical about SCOTUS
Is it cynicism when I’m following their actions and expecting more of the same? The SC makes shit up after the fact and finds ass-pulls to make it sound like the Constitution said that. That’s why, effectively, the POTUS can’t commit crimes as long as they are arbitrarily determined to be “official acts” now. They already announced we’re ruled by kings. How much further need it go?
It’s the most pro piracy argument that even the biggest normies can relate to.
Devout “Disney families,” the kinds with the stickers on their SUVs, may still see that as “stealing the magic.”
Thank you for the clarification; without context I couldn’t tell.