A middle-aged nerd from the UK. I like films and write about them, sometimes for Film Stories or my blog.
Have a great day.
I thought most of the studios, except Disney, had pretty much given up on the Superbowl because the cost was becoming prohibitive compared to the returns the films were making.
It’s like the San Diego Comic Con. The studios stopped previewing their films because the reaction was always fantastic but the crowd was the target audience. Not enough to make any noticeable change in the wider market.
Saying that, I’ll never forget the Superbowl trailer for the Matrix sequels. The awesome use of the music track Supermoves and the amazing action it teased.
Spielberg later regretted making those changes to ET saying,
“That was a mistake,” Spielberg told a master class at the Time 100 Summit in New York City.
"I never should have done that.
"E.T. is a product of its era. No film should be revised based on the lenses we now are, either voluntarily, or being forced to peer through.
Also, in another example, Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale have the rights to Back to the Future. Universal need there approval for any sequels/remakes which they will strongly refuse. They’ve also left the legal rights to their estates. So even once they’ve passed on, the chance of anymore films are basically zero.
I just think the joke ratio is a lot higher and they’re all excellent jokes as well. Plus there’s tons of little moments which you can pick up on multiple viewings.
Shaun is still a great film, I just think they got better with Fuzz.
About two years ago, I watched all six, as there were then, over the course of a couple of weeks. For me, the second film stands out as being the weakest.
I think I need to watch Dead Reckoning (formerly part 1) again as I was slightly disappointed seeing that.
Bending the rules a bit here. I know it is not a true sequel, but it’s part of a trilogy. Hot Fuzz is better than Shaun of the Dead. Also, except for the second film, I think the Mission Impossible series just gets better with every entry.
This was a project at Netflix for a long time, and just recently I learnt they had spent $30m on pre-production before letting the project go.
I really like the original Mortal Kombat and am a huge fan of Event Horizon. Then Anderson stumbled with Soldier, which is OK. The most interesting fact is that die to an Easter egg, it is actually set within the Blade Runner universe.
Alien Vs Predator I really like, despite the alien gestation time being really short, but the film does contain the best shot ever, the look of a surprised predator. Always makes me laugh.
I like the way the final shot of the film has no context to anything else beforehand. At a guess, I reckon it’s from a CG heavy final fight? Maybe a flashback?
I shouldn’t be able to pick out the individual photoshop layers! 😄 The design isn’t bad, it’s just put together poorly. They clearly stand out from the background, the lighting doesn’t match.
Blue Shift was originally part of the Dreamcast port of Half Life. The game did leak and it was quite fun to experience it on the DreamCast but the problem was the game was in fairly small chunks and had to load off the CD which made the wait quite painful.
The studios must realise that once it’s PVOD, your giving a perfect copy to the pirates!
Another quick release. I thought this only happened to the underperforming films.
A $26m worldwide opening weekend isn’t great, is it.
So that’ll be streaming on PVOD next week, with the 4K and Blu-ray two weeks later then, I guess? 😆
My favourite part of Morbius, and I haven’t actually seen the film, was revealed on the Corridor Crew’s VFX Artist’s React. Some poor VFX bloke had modelled a construction site or underground site with a lot of detail. Then, when the scene was lit, it was made so dark, you couldn’t see any of the work that had been done.
I still haven’t seen part 2 yet but I bought both in 4k from a black Friday sale. These comments are encouraging. ☺️
Well this is a character I know nothing about, so maybe that will explain my initial thoughts.
The clip introduced the character of Kraven well and it has me interested in the full film. The problem is, are you telling me not one guard managed to shoot him at all in that sequence? They were almost point blank at times. Not a single scratch!
Apparently, the comments were taken out of context. It’s from a 2 hour interview, edited down to 30 minutes. Hence the confusion.
I’m still holding out for a Battleship sequel! 😂
I was surprised at the long load time initially and had a quick fly of an A10 warthog from a local small airfield.
This was on my Xbox Series S and it was a bit stuttery in places. It’s clearly not meant for this console. This is for the pcs with big GPUs.
I loved original The Sims and lost a lot of time to it. However, I was frustrated that I couldn’t match the time like in real life.
Did anyone manage to get people to work before 10am!? The Sims took ages to get ready! 😂