My home server runs on an old desktop PC, bought at a discounter. But as we have bought several identical ones, we have both parts to upgrade them (RAM!) as well as organ donors for everything else.
My home server runs on an old desktop PC, bought at a discounter. But as we have bought several identical ones, we have both parts to upgrade them (RAM!) as well as organ donors for everything else.
That’s why no official service should use commercial social media.
It does run Linux, but it would probably more precise to say it walks Linux.
And what an impressive list of bugs that is…
Maybe it is a client thing, but I saw this especially fitting.
Well, just another Microsoft F-ckup. Nothing new.
Bench, a Canada-based accounting startup that offered software-as-a-service for small and medium-sized businesses, has abruptly shut down, according to a
That sentence also shut down apruptly. How fitting.
“this scenario is highly unlikely to occur in real-world conditions, limiting it to individual bad actors knowingly violating laws and product warranties.”
From reading this article, it looks like they just accessed the JTAG or SWDIO connector and simply wrote a new software on that thingy. If they were stupid enough to expose this kind of connector, they probably were dumb enough not even to secure it against reading, so one could probably just reverse engineer. I think I could easily do that if I had access to such a thing and would set my mind to it. It is not different from what I do every day for a job - programming such embedded devices.
I’ve been in places where people with this kind of knowledge meet by the thousands. I would not call this “highly unlikely”.
I don’t speak elisp, but I speak regexp. Looks like the LLM speaks neither.
You are technically correct, but for me, this counts.
But since I switched back to manual brushing, my teeth problems went away. Using the electric ones, I had two appointments where my dental bridge across several teeth had to be taken out and things fixed under it. I had no issues with it before the electrical toothbrush, and have not have any more since I am back to manual brushing.
Sue them for damages.
Once upon a time I mirrored Project Gutenberg. As this was a pain having only 64kbit over ISDN, I was expecting great things from attending a LAN party where we actually had Ethernet speed connection to the internet.
When I started my mirroring script, though, it was not faster than at home. Turned out that the mirror host limited connections to clients in unknown networks to 64kbit.
Luckily I found another mirror host that had no such limits.
I hope that Europe will follow soon.
But I don’t see any association with that and AI. This isn’t parallel processing hardware being discussed.
The one big eater of CPU power in future Windows will most likely be AI. Most of which will probably be useless for the user, which is a common problem with Windows “features” in recent years.
I can easily see a Microsoft AI engine churning the users data in order to determine which ads to serve - in the start menu, the screen backgrouns, the login screen, or as blatant popups. If people notice that such a thing is seriously eating into their machines’ power, they will try harder to kill this. Therefor it is the interest of Microsoft that the user has more than enough power. And this is just one example.
Which is on the market for more than six years now. That was my point. It does not only need TPM2.0, it also needs CPU and RAM in regions that are way more recent than TPM2.0
There are tons of low and medium boards that provide TPM, and they don’t suffice, IIRC.
They don’t need the hardware to run an OS. They need the hardware to run their AI shit for reasons nobody ever needs - except Microsoft.
So maybe it is not Microsoft closing the door for older hardware, but older hardware closing the door for Windows 11?
Now just imagine how many US dollars are stored away in the vaults of this world just because the US$ is the “default valuta” for many business transactions. Anything dropping off that dollar in a big enough market will make countries to reduce those unproductive heaps of money. This would seriously devalue the dollar if said market is big enough, like oil. That’s why the US was not happy about the Euro, and that was the reason why hardliners insisted on war on Saddam Hussein - not because he had anything to do with 9/11, or being a piece of shit of a dictator, but because he dared to threten the US with offering oil for other currencies.
There are estimates that if the oil business would separate itself from the dollar, the dollar could drop to 10% of its current value. To 10%, not by 10%. That would be even worse than the economic massacre Trump is planning by tarriffs and work force deportation.
Better shut off the complete platform. And issue an international arrest warrant for foreign poitical influence / election interference.