Christ, humanity at its best.
Lol you’re getting downvoted for having a rational viewpoint and wanting something you care about and enjoy to be safe for other humans to enjoy it too.
How fucking dare you
This is the predecessor of the Argo.
which are a staple for any bush work. Want to get there? Take an argo. Dollar for dollar, and pound for pound an argo is the way to go. Sherps
And haglands
Can go a few more places and can ford rivers, but they are $150k machines. Argos are 30k and can cross still water.
Kochia scoparia is another one like that, and also makes tumbleweeds
More closely related to Ork Boyz. WAAAGHHHH
Seral stages are a thing
This is exactly where my brain went.
Maybe the could help clean up all the fucking trash
right? The voices are annoying as fuck, but once you get past it it’s very 90s esque comedy.
My kid is obsessed with Henry Danger. It’s corny as all get out, but can be pretty funny. This is one of the better scenes and entirely related:
MFer got obliterated by MSWord spell check
I disagree.
Floods and fire can impact ecosystem composition at a local or regional scale, but these components are entirely necessary for ecosystem renewal and diversity. As parts of an ecosystem are disturbed, it opens niche space for early seral plants. Fire cycles can vary substantially even grasslands.
The reason these systems need human management now is because they have been highly disturbed, and the whole system is out of whack. Roughly 2-5% of the tall grass prairie remains. The overgrazing and invasive pests/plants issue you touch on is anthropogenic in origin, not so much in undisturbed systems.
That’s an incorrect hypothesis. Tall grass prairie, while definitely manipulated by indigenous people, doesn’t really require management; it’s the climax community for the biome. Further, fringe areas, like parkland, actually encroach on grasslands, not the other way around.
Grasses are disturbance specialists, and prairie has a natural and short fire cycle that maintains this disturbance. Take away the disturbance and you get woody species coming in on the fringe areas. In this regard, First Nations would burn parkland to create more area for grassland. If their population were declining, the lack of management would result in less bison habitat, not more.
E: I’m hilariously lost with the original comment - everyone point and laugh please. Lmao.
Fair, but the restoration is a pittance compared to what the herds used to be like. Granted, I wouldn’t want to step out of my house and be trampled by a bison because there were so many of them, but still, it was a tremendous upset to a natural system, and systematic genocide to boot. Nothing much to like about how it all happened.
I went to a national park and they had bison. I had the very awkward conversation about why bison are protected now, with my young children.
Humans are awful
E: I realize I’m very lost lmfao. This was supposed to be a reply to another post but I had too many tabs open.
A reminder that a sleep deprived brain is not your friend
As another commentator says, pointing that a statement is bullshit is sufficient. The burden the burden of the proof is on the shitter, for having contrary opinion
Do you still get cravings? I hear they never leave you.